Chapter 3

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"Good morning Lady Stark." An old lady greeted Ezari as she walked around the market for supplies.

"I told you words get around here quicker than riding a stallion." Lili chuckles.

They stopped in front of a vendor who was selling fresh vegetables, while Lili was picking out some fresh vegetables for her, Ria looked around men were dragging stuff and horses around the place while women bought whatever they needed.

It was noisy well what does she expected, it's a huge city not like in winterfell where she knew everyone because of her family.

Ria's eyes landed on the palace guards, they we're beating an elderly woman Ria felt like her chest was being clenched by a fist seeing as the guards beat the poor woman up.

Lili had seen how she acted and she was worried that Ria would do something reckless and she wasn't wrong.

Ria walk towards the guards as the old lady scream in pain and pleaded for mercy, but Ria couldn't act like the others well the others just stood in fear as they all watch doing nothing.

"Ria don't, it's not worth it." Lili tried to grab her arm but she just push her hand away and proceeded to approach the guards.

"Hey!" She called out to one of them.

The guards turned around briefly and slap her hard she stumbled back and fell in the floor.

People gasp as Ria sat on the floor completely humiliated by what just happened when someone grabbed her by the arm and led her away.

She was brought into an alley where rarely any people pass by, she was place on a wooden tool when Lili arrived and are imma flung herself to her embracing her.

"Ow, ow, ow Lili!"

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry." Lili imm let her go when someone approach them.

A guy, tall with black hair and a dark aura he approach them holding a clean fabric and some water.

Ria looked up, she was hesitant to accept his offer.

"Ria, it's alright this is Rigel his one of my friends." Lili said.

"We are not friends." The boy shook his head.

Ria sighed and grabbed the fabric and water before cleaning and healing herself.

"So what is this girl doing here Lili?" Rigel asked.

"She's New, Ezari Stark one of Nedd Stark's daughter." Lili answered.

"A stark? Never seen her before or even heard about her, for all I know it has always been Sansa and Arya stark." He chuckled.

"I was kept hidden." Ria said.

"Why?" Lili asked her.

Ezari didn't answer she just stared at Lili blankly even she doesn't know why her mother was hiding her.

She looked away from her and gaze up on Rigel.

"She must be something special to be kept for that long." Rigel commented.

Later that day Ria found herself hanging out with Lili too, she asked so many questions Rigel thought she never run out one.

"So, what about the King?"

"King Joffrey?" Rigel said, clarifying her questions.

"Stop it Rigel, nobody calls him that." Lili rolled her eyes.

"Why?" Ria asked.

"His a bastard all his father's power got the best of him and he became a jerk, killing everyone he wants." Lili answered.

"He killed your father, didn't he?" Rigel asked.

"Rigel!" Lili shrieked, scolding him.

Ria sighed and accepted what happened a long time ago so she was fine when someone mentioned her father's death but deep down she still feels sad about it.

"It's alright." She gave them a small smile.

The three halted just when Lili spoke. "But Joffrey's brother, prince Tommen is different." She looked up ahead her eyes looking at someone with the poor people.

They were being fed by the King's guard and a boy standing with the rest of the guards surrounding him, he was dressed in all fancy clothes and that could only mean who he is.

"Prince Tommen." Lili said dreamingly.

Ria side eye her and so did Rigel.

"Why do you even like him? What's good on him?" Rigel asked he was annoyed at her.

"He is nothing like his bastard brother." Lili answered smiling ear to ear.

Ria could clearly tell Rigel was getting annoyed and as the two walked away Ria stood there staring at Tommen, his golden hair glistening under the moonlight and his smile shines the brightest among all the smiles she wandered how to get close to him.

"Ria, you coming?" Lili called her.

She managed to look away and turn back around and ran up to them, and when she ran towards her what she considered friends Tommen had noticed her he turn his head to the side as he watch her run up to them as they walk away.

"How is that leg, your grace?" Tommen looked away when his uncle Tyrion asked him.

He looked down and slightly smiled. " A bit better uncle but I still need the healer tonight." He answered.

"Why do you need the healer for? I see that your leg is almost better."

"I just need to do a daily check up to see if I'm not infected, uncle."

Tyrion nodded before walking away with a smile as the people said hello to him.

Later that night it was extra chilly when Ria was called to the palace again, she knew Tommen had requested for her but when she came in his chamber he was buried under his thick blanket.

"You asked for me?" She stood next to his bed.

"Yes, warm me up." He shivers.

"I'm a healer not a maid your grace." She politely said.


Ria thought about it giving his situation he could die because of the cold.

"I could throw more wood in the fire if you want your room to be warmer." She awkwardly said.

"It's warm enough here but I don't understand why I'm still shivering." He said.

"Please, do something." He added Still shivering.

"I would but I need your permission."

She thought about the only thing she could that could help Tommen, body warm.

"Whatever it is, I'm giving you permission." He said.

Ria walked closer to him, his eyes were shut closed as his breathing was shaking.

She slowly laid next to him pulling him close to her letting her warmth hit his cold skin.

"How do you know about this trick?" He ask his voice finally calming down slowly.

"I live in winterfell."

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