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Draco's POV:

"Threatening the students and scaring them all half to death was not what I expected for your first day as a supervisor, Mr Malfoy."

Draco tried his hardest not to roll his eyes at the Professor. It felt like an eternity since they walked into her office, and he was cornered with all her lectures and speeches on how he has disappointed blah, blah, blah.

Hermione was seated in the chair in front of the desk, whilst both Alexandria and Ginny stood aside, watching the scene before them.

Draco stood before the Professor more bored than anything.

He has heard this script a many of times.

It was old news to him.

Hermione cringed at the Professors words, but stayed silent.

"I did not threaten anyone, Professor. I merely made an objective," he said, hoping to smooth down this rant.

"Your objective rather had a threatening message," the Professor retorted. "I thought you may have phased out of this persona of being a bully, but the way you present yourself is rather leading me astray from the idea."

"I am hurt, Professor," he said in a mocking tone. "But I never expected anything less from you and... well, everyone I suppose."

"This is no joke, Mr Malfoy. This goes against your probationary rules."

He rolled his eyes at her.

"Do not roll your eyes at me, young man."

"Who stands before you, Professor? Am I the young man that is on probation you're referring to, or a Death Eater that needs to be punished? Because sometimes I cannot tell the difference," he gritted out.

Professor McGonagall scoffed at his remark.

"Please, we are getting off track here," Ginny disrupted. "I think we need to discuss the matter at hand."

"I agree, Professor," Alexandria concluded.

"What difference does it make whether we discuss the matter at hand, or continue on with this rant?" Draco announced annoyedly.

"Malfoy," Hermione began saying, but he didn't want to hear it from her either.

"I can play out this whole conversation for you all," he stated.

"That's not necessary," Ginny retorted.

"I'm actually curious," Alexandria replied to no one in particular.

"Weasley is going to explain how she was right. This was all a bad idea. Malfoy couldn't even be left alone with the students for less than ten minutes without being a Malfoy. Alexandria will come in and try to defend me by saying, 'We need to give him a chance', with Weasley scoffing at the idea. The Professor will yell at me some more, Hermione will try and better the situation by being herself, and I will be forced to apologise to the student, who I merely advised, and if I refuse someone will call my probationary officer."

The women stared him in bemusement and he clapped his hands together. "Did I get that all right?"

"I think that was excellent, all you need are wigs and the Professors hat," Alexandria commented sarcastically.

"Mr Malfoy, I think you should take a moment and think about how your life will play out if you do not take this situation seriously," the Professor advised.

"I have something to say," Ginny stated stepping forward.

"Ginny, please," Hermione began.

"Miss Weasley, I don't have the energy," the Professor said huffing a heavy sigh.

Draco's Obsession Where stories live. Discover now