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The next day at school

Naruto was looking dead and tired as he was sitting in his desk

"You look like a dead fish..."said kiba
"So how was your job?"asked shikamaru
"Can't you see?"asked Naruto tiredly
"'s your first time so it's fine you'll get used to it eventually"said kiba as he laugh
" also used to work"said Naruto
"Yep! I'm a hard working man! And I'm speaking from experience!"said kiba as he tilted his head and chest high
"Anyways I hope you liked your work"said shikamaru
"Well the job is not that nice but the people in sire nice there"said Naruto
"Ofcourse they are my relative after alll"said shikmaru
"What!!! No wonder why they agreed"said Naruto
"Lucky you got friends like shikamaru to find job and a friend like me to give you some advice"said kiba
"Yea yea...leave me alone I wanna sleep before class starts"said Naruto as he layed his head on his desk
"Okay..."said shikmaru
"No comment"said kiba as they both went on doing their own stuff

At lunch

"Woah! look worse..."said kiba as he got shocked
"H-hey..."said Naruto looking like a zombie
"Poor Naruto"said shikamaru
"I think yous hould stop"said kiba
"No!"shouted Naruto as he gets a random energy
"You sure?"asked shikamaru
"Yes! I'm a man of words!"said Naruto
"Okay..."said shikamaru

"Naruto of class 10-A come to the teacher office"announced on the speaker

"What! Did they find out?"asked Naruto as he panicked
"Maybe yes...because of your state"said kiba
"What!no way!!!"said Naruto
"Kiba is just trying to scare you I'm sire they dint find out"said shikamaru
"I hope so....anyways see you guys later"said Naruto as he went to the office with a nervous face
"And on top of that it's my homeroom teacher!!"thought Naruto as he panicked more

At the office

"You wanted to see me sir?"asked naruto nervously
"Is there something wrong with you Naruto....are you sick?"asked Kakashi
"W-what....n-no! I'm totally fine!"said Naruto with a smile
"Really....I've been hearing that your sleeping in the other classes and even in my class too..."said Kakashi
"Urrmmm....uhhh...well it's nothing like hat sir..."said Naruto with a smile
"You know the student health is also important....and as your homeroom teacher I deserve to know what's up with my own student.."said Kakashi as he fixed his glasses
"Well...that's true...but it's just I'm tired sorry for making everyone worried"said Naruto as he looked down
"I see...then it's better to take a rest?"asked Kakashi as he stood up and took Naruto arm and started to drag him out of the office and straight to the nurse office
"W-wait....I'm really okay..."said Naruto
"You said your tired so you should rest until you feel better"said Kakashi
"B-but...Sensei..."said Naruto
"Shut up and follow me"said Kakashi as he took Naruto to the nurse office and pus him off the bed and quickly put on the blanket
"I'm again sorry for bothering your Sensei..."said Naruto as he looked down
"It's fine...I am yori homeroom teacher after all"said Kakashi
"I guess...the nurse isint here"thought Naruto as he looked around
"Rest well..I'll inform the other teacher"said Kakashi as he brush naruto hair as he was about to leave
"Hmmm..Sensei is nice to me...or is it because I saved him once?"thought Naruto as he proceeded to close his eyes to sleep and soon fell asleep

After school

At work

"Good afternoon kazou-san and fujio-kun!"said Naruto with a big smile
"I see yours till energetic! That's good"said fujio
"If you feel tired you could rest a bit"said kazou
"It's fine! I should work more hard! I'm a man!"said Naruto with fire in his eyes
"Wow...good to be young"said fujio
"Your not that old yourself....unlike me my bones are all sore"said kazou
"You both are not that old...."said Naruto as he made a disbelief face
"Anyways get to work!"said kazou
"Okay!"said Naruto as he went into the changing room
"He sure is a bright kid"said fujio
"Yea he is....anyways our special guest will be here today"said kazou
"Ohh that uchiha guy?"asked fujio
" behave"said kazou

"Okay bosss!"said fujio

After an hour

"Uwahh! What's up with today but...people are awfully less today"thought Naruto as he looked around
"Wondering why people are less?"asked fujio with a smile
" you know?"asked Naruto
"Don't worry...I was also like that when I first work here's simply because a big guy is comming over and so many people dotn come in this day"said fujio
"Ohhh... Like ganster?"asked Naruto as he gulped
"Yep! But don't worry it's not like that kind of gangster he is very chill and friendly so he won't do anything
"Okay..."said Naruto
"Even if he tells that....I don't think I've ever seen a friendly gangster"thought Naruto as suddenly his thought were interrupted by a loud banged on the door revealing a man with black hair with black eyes looking scary came into the bar making all the people in the room nervous and so was Naruto as the guy walked to the counter and sat in one of the seats his eyes landed at Naruto as Naruto gulped and just smiled and was about to leave but was stopped when the guy called him
"Hey you! Are you new?"asked the guy
"Y-yes! I just started working yesterday!"said Naruto as he was kinda nervous
"Ohh! It's good to see kazou hiring new faces"said the guy with a bright smile which shocked Naruto
"Eyyy.....what...."thought Naruto
"What's your name! You must be something if kazou hired you!"said the man still smilling
"Uhhh...ummm I'm Naruto!"said Naruto as he also gave a bright smile
"Ohh I'm uchiha obito but you can call me tobi-san!"said obito as he offered Naruto to sit down
"Okay....tobi-san"said Naruto as he sat down

Thanks for reading!

Over and out!

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