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Obito fixed his hair and check his breath before going to the beautiful girl
"Hey beautiful...heard your lonely tonight...ohh your selling clay art? Why don't we go somewhere we can make beautiful clay art like you?"asked obito as he used his rizz which obviously confused the girl
"I don't think a guy would be appreciated if he was called beautiful...."said the girl in a boy voice
"W-wait...your a boy?"asked obito
"Yea! Can't you hear my voice?!"asked the guy
"Ohhh...even better..."said obito as he wink at the guy and he was obviously shock
"Uhhhhh.....I'm actually speechless on how shameless you are and your lines suck..."said the guy as he sigh
"I know...."said obito as he cry in failure but somehow the guy find obito funny because of his changed in emotion
"Haha...your kinda funny to admit something like that"laughed the guy which made obito looked up with hope
"So...can I get your name? Please I'm desperate!"said obito as he begged him in which the other find it funny
"Your lowkey funny...I guess you passed anyways I'm deidara!"said the guy as he extended his hand and ofcourse obito took it but he stole the chance and pulled him nearer
"Hi...your name is as beautiful as you! I'm uchiha obito"said obito as he show him his rizz face in which deidara find his effort very cute
"Hahah! I really like how you are putting so much effort in this..."laughed deidara again as I itl let go of him
"I know..I'm a funny"said obito as he fixed his hair
"Okay..I get it! Anyways what brings you here?"asked deidara
"Uhh....well..just comming here for vacation with my buddy"said obito
"Ohh so your from that hotel!"said deidara as he pointed to their hotel
"Yep! And also are you a villager here?"asked obito
"No...not really..I go around selling my art and I happen to be here today"said deidara
" much are all of these art pieces cost?"asked obito
"Ohh well since they are made from clay....I guess ********yen? Why asked?"asked deidara
"Ohh nothing....hey you guys there! Come here!"shouted obito as a much of guys came
"Yes boss!"said one of the men
"Boss?"thought deidara as he was shock
"Deidara pack all of these stuff I'm buying them"said obito as he looked at deidara
"And you guys! Bring them back to my room and you guys are free again!"said obito and all the men said yessir
"What! All of them?"asked deidara as he started to pack them
"Yep! And don't worry I'll send the money through Google pay"said obito as he scan the Google scanner nearby as he payed the amount of money he need to pay (guys...I'm using a 21th century era)
"Check your phone....and leave those packing things to my men"said obito and whatever deidara was doing was did by obito men and also when deidara check his phone a huge amount of money was sent which left his jaw drop
"1...2....3....4...."said deidara as he stated to count but was stopped by obito
"Hey leave it! Let's go have fun in this festival!"said obito as he holds deidara hand
" stall"said deidara as he looked back to see that his stuff was all taken away by obito men
"Don't worry I even payed money for the stall and the stuff so everything is mine!"said obito with a smile as he looked back at deidara
"I-im... honestly shock..."said deidara
"Don't worry need to ask anything just think of today as your lucky day and enjoy this festival with me! Or do I have to pay you to enjoy?"asked obito as he stopped midway
"W-what!! No need!"saod deidara
"Okay! Then let's go try some food for first! What do you like the most?"asked obito
"Bakudan..."said deidara
"Ohh good choice let's go and eat that my treat!"said obito as he pulled deidara around and ofcourse they were spot by Naruto and Kakashi
"Huh is that obito? Eating there with a lady?"asked Naruto
"Hmmm...yea....and his a guy looked closely"said Kakashi and taking Kakashi advise Naruto looked closely to see that it was a guy
"Waaaa! He is a guy...I dint notice cause he had long hairs"said Naruto
"Well...always knew obito was gay..."said Kakashi
"Ohh...what about you? Do you know you were gay?"asked Naruto
"Nope...I never thought I'll dare a guy...what about you?"asked Kakashi
"Me too...never thought I would dare a guy....and a guy older than me.."said Naruto
"Well...let's go and eat ramen?"asked Kakashi
"Yes please!!!"said Naruto with sparkle in his eyes
"And also buy me and mask!!!"said Naruto as he pointed at the mask shop
"Ofcourse! Let's go there first!"said Kakashi

Back to obito and deidara

"Sooo...have you ever thought of dating men?"asked obito as he stare at deidara who was eating peaceful and cutely
"Umm...well yes cause I'm gay..."said deidara
"Ohh wow! What a coincidence I'm also gay!!!"said obito as he wiggle his tail like a dog
"This is fate we are meant to be together!"said obito which made deidara laugh from his childish behaviour
"Haha ofcourse it is obito"said deidara with a laugh
"Wow I'm so good at making my partner happy!"said obito with a smirk on his face
"Partner?"asked deidara
"Yea!....oh right! Deidara! Why don't you be my boyfriend I swear I'll be the best boyfriend!"said obito with a blush as he took deidara hand and ofcourse deidara also blushed
"B-but..we just met"said deidara as he blushed
"I know...but the moment I layed my eyes on you I know your the please be my boyfriend!"said obito with a fake cry and ofcourse deidara notice it but he find it cute so he laughs again
"Haha ofcourse I'll be your boyfriend!"said deidara as he quickly kissed obito which left obito shock but kissed back later
"Omg...our boss is finally not single"said tokito
"Yea...and our boss find a lover in just a day...I guess there is nothing our boss can't do now.."said another man
"Yea..that's why I have high respect to boss!"said tokito as everyone around them aggred as they were also obito men's

Thanks for reading! Wow I'm getting a lot of ideas lol

Over and out!

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