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At the place

It was an tradition house which was very long like it was like a 20 floor building but lying flat on the ground it looked like it has many rooms and not to mention it was all booked
"Wt....this long ass house..."thought Naruto as he went inside to see a long hallway which was in traditional style with lots of expensive portrait and some expensive stuff decorated through the hallway and the hallway was filled with maids from start to finished and that was not all the rooms it can even go two sides which made Naruto gulped
"I wonder how many yen does each room cost"thought Naruto and obito saw how Naruto was reacting
"Don't worry Naruto! It's nothing! So please don't feel guilty it's like a gift from me and Kakashi!"said obito in a playfully manner
"B-but..."said Naruto but was cutt off by Kakashi
"Thats right! Just enjoy!!"said Kakashi as he took Naruto to their room

After Naruto and Kakashi were gone

"Ahem! are free to explore this...but don't forget your duty and I hope you enjoy this vacation!! Let's gooo!!!"said obito as he shouted the last words which made both Kakashi and his men fired up and punch the iar in union
"To the hotspring!!"shouted obito as all of them run through the hallway
"Ma'am....wouldn't they break anything...or even damage the place?"asked a maid to the old lady
"Don't worry..they are rich...and he already said that if they broke anything the would pay back for it"said the old lady
"Really! I guess it's our lucky day"said the maid

To Naruto and Kakashi

"Huh? I swear I hear a lot of noise like people running..."said Naruto as he turn back
"I'm sure it's nothing...probably my men and obito men going insane"said Kakashi
"Huh? Why?"asked Naruto
"Well you see we don't go to vacation much...screw we don't go vacation at all...most of our time was gone by mission and work so they are just excited for a vacation especially me and obito since we are the leader we have less time"said Kakashi
"Huh...your always at home.."said Naruto
"Yea...I am but what do I do most of the time?"asked Kakashi
" work on your laptop...."said Naruto
"Yep! That's correct but now it looks like I spend most of my time pleasing my boyfriend both in a good way and a naughty way"whispered Kakashi to Naruto in a sexy voice
"Ehhh! Pervert!!"said Naruto as he closed his ears
"Haha sorry! And also since today is Saturday we will be going back home Tommorow evening! Since you have school!"said Kakashi
"Ohh right I forgot!"said Naruto as they finally reach their room and their room was quite special as it clearly said special VIP room
"VIP room...."thought Naruto as he gulped as Kakashi open the room
"Come in! Don't be shy!"said Kakashi as Naruto was shock to see the room inside it was well painted with lots of exotic painting and very old furniture with expensive clothes hanging in there one for a male and another one for female and not to mention it was wore by princess and prince
"What the...."said Naruto
"Ohh do you know that there is a village nearby and it's hosting a festiva! Wanna go?"asked Kakashi
"Festival!! You mean a traditional old festival?"asked Naruto
"Yep! It's gonna be really fun!"said Kakashi and he could already see the spark in Naruto eyes
"B-but..I dint bring any traditional dress to wear...."said Naruto with a pout
"No problem the solution is hanging there!"said Kakashi as he pointed towards the two dresses
".....there is only one male kimono"said Naruto as he realised something
"Well....we got to work with this somehow.."said Kakashi with a smirk
"No! Nope I'm not wearing that shit okay?"shouted Naruto
""said Kakashi as he went near Naruto
"!"shouted Naruto

At the festival

"Well I'm excited for this festival! Aren't you Naruto?"asked Kakashi as he was wearing the prince kimono while Naruto was wearing the princess kimono
"Do I look happy....."said Naruto as he was clearly disappointed
"But you look very matching Naruto! 10/10"said obito with a smile
"Not you too..."said Naruto
"Let's go and try some games Naruto!"said Kakashi
"Games!!! Let's go!"said Naruto as he went back to his old self as he drag Kakashi with him
"Well...there goes the couple..."said obito with a disappoint look as he turn back to his and Kakashi men
"Okay boys! You can do anything except drinking! And sleeping around okay?"asked obito and all the men said yes sir!
"Good now one of you volunteer to be with me...I'm kinda lonely..."said obito but no one dared to come up which made obito pissed
"This bastards....hey you! Come here!"shouted obito as he pointed to a random man and the man was shock as he gulped and came forward
"You'll accompany me today okay?"asked obito
"Yessir!"said the guy
"Okay good! Now the rest of you scream! And look out for danger too!"said obito and all the men said yes sir! And got scrambled
"So what's your name?"asked obito
"My name is tokito sir!"said tokito
"Okay tokito...let's have fun single man..."said obito as he pulled tokito more nearer
"Yes sir!"said tokito
"That's good...your a good man..."said obito as he path tokito shoulder
"Thank you sir!"said tokito and as obito was roaming around his eyes load on a beautiful blond hair girl who was selling some esrt made out of clay
"Wow...what a beauty...uhhh goodbye tokito"said obito as he pushed tokito and went to the girl with a flashy smile
"Boss..."said tokito as he was heartbroken (not really)

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! And also I'm trying to finish this fast cause....I'm thinking of starting a new story...and sadly it's a straight one (demon slayer addition)

Over and out!

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