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The next day

"Naruto come down!!!"shouted Kushina
"I'm comming!"shouted Naruto as he went down
"You better not fight today again..."said kushina with a death stare
"I know mom...I won't today and also I was not fighting I was saving...a ermm...a friend"said Naruto
"Lies...lies...liess...anyways it's fine now so go eat breakfast and go!"said Kushina as he shove the food in Naruto mouth and kick him out
"Is she even a women...."thought Naruto in disbelief
"Anyways since I'm early today I'll go slowly and peacefully"thought Naruto as he walked to school
" really is peaceful and I wanna skip school..even tho I have gone there once lol"said Naruto as he laugh on his own

At school

Naruto was sitting with his friends and they were talking and chatting as the bell haven't rung yet

"So you decided to come early today since you dint come yesterday.."asked kiba
"Nah...I got into a fight yesterday...was saving someone"said Naruto
"Really...or is it cap"asked shikamaru
"Well I don't care if you guys don't believe but what did I missed yesterday?"asked Naruto
"Well we dint even take any classes so most of them were free"said kiba with a grind
"Well I guess it's not a loss"said Naruto as he sigh in relief
"And also our new homeroom teacher was also absense yesterday...soo"said shikamaru
"Ohhh....welp anyways this year should be the last and where should we go?"asked Naruto
"Well...since I have an intelligent brain I'll go to the special grade konoha college"said kiba as he day dreamed
"You and Naruto have the same brain cell and lucky you guys are normal so i think you guys can make it"said shikamaru
"Wow....since that's the case I was thinking of studying hard this year as I don't think my records are that bad"said Naruto
"Yea...we can do it!"said kiba
"Yea's such a drag"said shikamaru

And as soon as shikamaru said those words the principle came in getting everyone attention as he come in with a guy with weird glasses and a mask

"Wait...."thought Naruto
"Good morning students! Since your new homeroom teacher had an accident yesterday and he couldn't come so we apologise and I want you guys to welcomed your new teacher.....inouka Kakashi!"said the principle
"Good morning sir and principle"said the students
"Ahem! Since my work is don't make sure to introduce yourself one by one and I'm taking my leave"said the principle as the he took his leave
"No way.....that guy that I saved yesterday turned out to be my new homeroom teacher!!!!"thought Naruto as his head got fried
"Okay students please introduced yourself one by one"said Kakashi as he gave sign to the students to sit down and introduce themselves

There were a lot of students and Naruto and their friend were sitting in the last row and Naruto was last

"I'm shikamaru!"said shikamaru as he sat down lazily
"Ohh right..."thought Naruto as he quickly stood up
"I'm uzumaki Naruto!"said Naruto a she sat down
" guys have already known me by now I'm inouka Kakashi! Or just called me Sensei"said Kakashi as his eyes roam around every corner and he stared especially at Naruto
"Is he staring at me...*gulped* this is so awkward"thought Naruto as he avoided eye contact as hard as possible
"Okay let's start so open page 2 of your book"said Kakashi as Naruto sigh in relief

After the first class

"Damn....I thought I was gonna die"thought Naruto
"Yoo...what do you think about the new teacher?"asked kiba
"Well his good at teaching even tho his a bit weird with his weird glasses and his mask"said shikamaru
" is he ugly?"asked kiba as he laughed
"I dotn think that's the case..."thought Naruto
"Anyways his taking 2 subject so we will see him again in like last period"said shikamaru
" hardworking of him to take 2 subject"said kiba
"I'm doomed"thought Naruto

At break

Naruto and his friends were going to the cafeteria until Naruto gotta go to the bathroom
"You guys go I'll come too"said Naruto
"Okay...don't be late or there won't be any food left"said kiba
"I know!"said Naruto as he rushed to the toilet
"I wanna pee so much...I knew I shouldn't have drink so much"thought Naruto as he was running through the hallway almost reaching the bathroom
"Hey no running!!"shouted a teacher
"Sorry reach!"said Naruto as he stared at the teacher who was scolding him while running inside the bathroom but he suddenly bump into a pair of body chest which made him all wobbly and as he was about to fall a big arms caught him
"Woah!! I'm so sorry I wasn't watching"said Naruto as he got out of the man grip
"I dint know you were also clumsy"said a familiar voice
"Wait...this way"thought Naruto
"Y-you..."said Naruto pointing at the man infront of him
"You know it's not good to point at your teacher..."said Kakashi
"Uhhh..well what are you doing in students bathroom.."asked Naruto as teacher had different bathroom
"Can't I check my own school students bathroom?"asked Kakashi
"Ahh...right..excuse me"said Naruto as he turn back and tried to walk away but he was stopped
"Better not...pee today....woah!"thought Naruto
"Aren't you gonna use the bathroom"said Kakashi as he quickly let go of Naruto
"Nah...I'm fine now..excuse me"said Naruto as he vanshied from the scene
"Heh...pretty shy much"thought Kakashi as he smirk

To Naruto

"Uwahhh! I wanna die!!!"shouted Naruto thought as he made his way to the cafeteria
"Damn I really wanted to pee and why was I nervous thought"thought Naruto as he slap himself

Thanks for reading!

Over and out!

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