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"so how did you get hired? You look underage to be working or even working in a bar"said obito
"Ummm well... kazou-san is my friends family..."said Naruto
"Ohhh....and may I asked why yori working? You need money?"asked obito with a question face and with a friendly face
"He looks so friendly..I guess fujio-kun was right"thought Naruto
"Umm well....yea I do need money..."said naruto with a smile
"Ohh I can give you some money if you want!"said obito
"'s fine tobi-san I don't wanna own you anything"said Naruto
"Want...your getting it wrong naruto-kun I won't asked for anything in return"said obito as he laugh
"His right Naruto...he don't sleep with you or won't force your to"said fujio
"Want...does Naruto-kun thinks of me like that!"said obito
"No! It's just....I just want to earn money by myself"said Naruto
"It's for his mother he wanna buy a gift of his mother"said fujio
"Ohh that's so thoughtful of you Naruto-kun! I bet you love you mom so much!"said obito with smile
"Like who wouldn't love their mother"said fujio
"Yea....I wanna surprise her"said Naruto
"Then I fully support you Naruto-kun! I'm sure your mom will be happy to receive the gift!"said obito
"Thank you tobi-san"said Naruto with a big smile
"Woah...that's one big smile"thought obito with shock eyes

After few minutes a guy sat 1 sit besides obito as obito was drinking and the guy ordered a drink and was acting normal until Naruto got suspicious of him

"That guys kinda ....sus"thought Naruto as his eyes got wife as he saw the guy pulling out a gun so he quickly took the man hands and pinned him down causing a scence which shocked everyone even obito
"Tobi-san his trying to kill you!"said Naruto as he pinned the man arm harder making the man groans
"You brat!"said the man as he was struggling
"Thank you Naruto-kun...but let me handle the rest.... kazou-san call the others"said obito as he took the man by his neck making the man float
"Tell me who send you?"asked obito with a death stare
"Fuck you"said the man
"You shitty...."said obito as he banged the man on the table making him unconscious
"He got unconscious in one banged.... tobi-san sure is strong"thought Naruto as he gulped
"Thank you so much for saving me Naruto-kun...I dont know what would have happen if you dint saw him"said obito with a smile
"It's fine....I dint really do anything"said Naruto
"How could you say that! Anyways since you saved me your my best buddy for now!"said obito as he took Naruto head and ruffled his hair
"Tobi-san!"said Naruto as he laugh
"Friendly as always"said kazou
"Yep...dint know our newcomer had reflexes"said fujio
"Well not surprised cause the first time I saw him...he dressed up like a brat from a  school gang"said kazou
"Well it is what it is"said fujio
"So how old are you again Naruto?"asked obito
"I'm 16 years old tobi-san"said Naruto
"Okay young man! This is my business card if your in trouble give me a call okay?"asked obito with a smile as Naruto took the card with a bright smile
"Thank you so much tobi-san!"said Naruto with a smile
"Ohh the next time I visited I'll bring over my other buddy okay? His gonna be happy to see you!"said obito
"Ohh okay! I'll be right here!"said Naruto
"That's my boy!"said obito as he kept on praising Naruto

The next day

"Wow you look happy and tired at the same time..."said kiba
"Yes...did something good happened?"asked shikamaru
"Yea actually something did happen!"said Naruto with a bright smile
"Ohhh...tell us!"said kiba
"Well I just made a new friend even tho his one of my vip customer"said Naruto
"Wow you got a lottery"said shikamaru
"I bet the other guy is friendly"said kiba as he sigh
"Yep! His so good and cheerful even tho his a gangster his very different"said Naruto
"So...basically you befriended a gangster whose a vip costumer in the job your working"said shikamaru
"Yep! I even have his business card!"said Naruto as he shoved it out of his pocket and the card looked fancy
" the card made of pure gold?!!"asked kiba as he took it and examine it
"Yes! I was also shocked but he said that how he is and his very found of expensive stuff"said Naruto looking proud
"That's even better than a lottery"said shikamaru as he chuckled
"Woah....I feel like will be a lot of money if I sell this card"said kiba as suddenly the card was snatched from his hand
"No! You are not selling it!"said Naruto
"Cheap much..."said kiba
"Whatever! It's not yours to began with!"said Naruto
"What a drag"said shikamaru
"Maybe I should work there too.."said kiba
"No! I don't want to see you even at work"said Naruto
"Chill....I'm just kidding"said kiba
"Good"said Naruto
"Anyways....your mom called my mom last night.."said shikamaru
"Really!!! Ohhh no..."said Naruto
"Don't worry I told my mother the reason and she agreed to cover you for the mean time"said shikamaru
"Phew....thanks your family is really understanding"said Naruto with a big smile
"Ofcourse...."said shikamaru
"Anyways you gotta work hard Naruto....since you said to your mom that your getting tuition from shikamaru she is expecting your marks to get high up the sky"said kiba
"Yea.....before comming to school I read so....this days is hard"said Naruto
"Sad life bro"said shikamaru
"Good luck buddy"said kiba
"Thanks guys...."said Naruto as he sigh

Thanks for reading!

Over and out!

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