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In naruto's house

Naruto went inside the house as usual and he called out his mom just to be responded by his mother saying
"Naruto! Get ready soon the guest is comming"said Kushina as she was making dinner and she left the thing she was doing just to welcome Naruto but she was shocked when she saw Kakashi
"Kakashi?"asked Kushina with a smile
"Yep! Konichiwa Kushina"said Kakashi as he waved
"For the last time...Kakashi call my wife with some respect"said Minato as he also enterd the conversation
"Nah...I prefer calling her by name Sensei"said Kakashi with a smile
"Yoo!"said Minato as he went near Kakashi and hugged him
"You haven't changed a bit Kakashi"said Minato as he laugh and path Kakashi back
"Yep! Still naughty and self confidence"said Kushina as she also hugs Kakashi
"Wait...wait...wait..."thought Naruto as he was amazed to looked at the scene
"Chichi...haha...."said Naruto (chichi-dad and haha-mom)
"Ohh right! Naruto this is my old honoured student he was the top in my class and every classes too"said Minato as he introduced his son to his student
"B-but...what!"said Naruto as he was shocked
"No shouting Naruto! It's rude to be like that infront of the guest"said Kushina
""said Naruto
"Noo..his gonna tell my mom about my job!"thought Naruto as he gulped
"It's fine Kushina you and Sensei can go me and Naruto will joined shortly after he show me the bathroom..."said Kakashi
"Ohh okay! Show him Naruto"said Minato
"The dinner is ready"said Kushina as the couple left
"So..."said Kakashi as he looked at Naruto raising an eyebrow
"Shut up...if you talk one bit about my job you'll see me"said Naruto as he gave a death stare to Kakashi
"Chill...I was just asking for the bathroom"said Kakashi with a playful tone
"Tsk! Follow me"said Naruto as he took Kakashi to the bathroom just to be pulled in by Kakashi with him
"Hey! Watch it!"said Naruto as he groan
"Shhh...your parents are here and I dotn think it's sound proff"said Kakashi with a smirk
"I really hate that smirk"said Naruto as he looked away
"Well...don't worry I won't tell out to your mom unless you quit your job"said Kakashi as he made Naruto sat down on the toilet seat
"Ugh...your really trying to lure me in....ughh! Whatever if you can convinced my parents I will.....bad luck old man!"said Naruto as he stood up as he push Kakashi aside and went out of the bathroom
"Don't worry...."thought Kakashi as he also fixed his appearance and went to the dinning table

At the dinning table

Everyone was already seated so Kakashi also decided to sit down and he was immediately welcomed by his old Sensei and his wife

"Please it's not that much but I hope you'll enjoy it"said Kushina
"Ofcourse it's sensei's wife cooking after all"said Kakashi as he took some bites of the food
"So how does it taste Kakashi?"asked Minato
"It still taste amazing liked in those olden days...I'm very grateful"said Kakashi with a professional smile
"Ofcourse! I'm glad your happy Kakashi"said Kushina as the others also started to eat

After eating

Kushina was cleaning the table and was washing the plates while the three man sat on the table talking
"Hahah I still remember obito! How is he?"asked Minato
"His...doing quite very well"said Kakashi
"Really....that's suspicious"said Minato as they both laugh
"I have no words"thought Naruto
"Anyways Kakashi I've heard that your a teacher in my son school"asked Minato
"Yes Sensei...I'm their homeroom teacher"said Kakashi
"That's great!"said Kushina as she finished washing the plates and she also seated down in her respected place
"Yea! Naruto! Kakashi is a brilliant guy he was the topper of his school from kindergarten to college"said Minato with a smile
"What!!...impossible"said Naruto
"It's not impossible Naruto...well atleast we saw al of his results from kindergarten his parents kept it"said Kushina
"Yep! It's still there in my room as a decoration"said Kakashi with a smile
"That's good to hear...well I wish my Naruto would also be a bright kid like you"said Kushina as she sigh
"Bright kid my ass mom...his a gangster and on top of it his the boss..."thought Naruto
"About that...Naruto have been doing very poor this days..I've been hearing complains from his other teachers that his not paying attention in class properly and I've also seen him dozed off and sleep even in my there any problem?"asked Kakashi with a worried look
"Oh my! Really!"said Kushina
"I know Naruto health is not looking great this days...but to that extend"said Minato
"Naruto told me that his going night couching to shikamaru...and he comes home late maybe that's why his sick?"asked Kushina
"Yes mom..that's true"said Naruto
"'s good but..."said Minato as he looked at his son and sigh which made Kakashi smirk
"Don't worry about you keep Naruto to me until graduation I promised I'll teach him properly"said Kakashi with a pure smile
"Really!!! Than-"said Kushina but she was cutt off by Naruto
"No!"said Naruto
"Hey don't be like that! Kakashi is just looking after you!"said Kushina as he gave Naruto a good slap on the head in which Naruto groans and rubs his head
"If it's you Kakashi I really trust I'm very happy for the offer"said Minato
"No way..."thought Naruto
"We are more than happy to intrust our son with you Kakashi"said Kushina with a smile
"I'm very grateful for trusting me...I'll make sure to make your son into a fine man and well educated"said Kakashi as he spoke in a professional tone
"I believe in you Kakashi"said Minato as he was moved
"What!!!"shouted Naruto
"Your moving to Kakashi hoise by tomorrow"said Kushina
"What!!!! No way!"shouted Naruto
"Don't be so rude Naruto! Kakashi is an intelligent person trust me if you stay with him your grades will go up trust ommy"said Kushina as he convinced his son which made Naruto sigh
"Ok fine...."said Naruto with a loud sigh as he looked at Kakashi to see him already staring at him so he whispered
"You win this time bastard!"whispered Naruto which made a huge grin on Kakashi face
"Jackpot!"thought Kakashi with a smile

Thanks for reading! And I've seen that you guys have been enjoying a lot of my stories and I really appreciate it as it helps me boost my interest in writing more of these and the more you show love the more I write so I hope you guys will continue to support me and I love you guys so much!

Over and out!

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