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After Minato came home and they had dinner

Naruto was having his third bowl of rice and was still eating
"Oh wow..Kushina your cooking must be very tasty to Naruto that his eating this much...."said Kakashi
"Yep! Ofcourse since I'm the one feeding him from scratch!"said Kushina with a proud face
"Well my wife cooking is unresistbale"said Minato
"Anyways mom dad..after dinner I have something to say!"said Naruto with a big smile which left Minato and kushina curious while Kakashi nervous
"Ohh what can it be?"said Minato
"Well if Naruto have something to say then it must be important!"said Kushina
"Yep very important! I know it will be shocking but you guys will also be very happy!"said Naruto as he gave thumbs up
"Really! Now I can't wait to hear it"said Kushina with a smile
"So Kakashi...hows my son doing in tiru house?"asked Minato
"Umm well..he isint used to all the luxury there....but his fine his very obidient and clumsy"said Kakashi
"Haha ofcourse he got his mom genes more even tho he looked like me"said Minato with a laugh
"Yep! His my son so he should be like me!"said Kushina
"Anyways minato-sensei how's work?"asked Kakashi
"Well it's going smooth as always but...some rats got in the way"said Minato as he sigh
"Ohh want me to handle?"asked Kakashi
"Oh right we can ask Kakashi!"said Kushina and the conversation made Naruto confused and curious
"What do you mean by rats dad....and why do you want to help my dad get rid of rats kakashi-sensei.."said Naruto with a confused look
"Ohh's nothing! Want more food?"asked Kushina
"Yes mom!"said Naruto with a big smile
"Let's go talk somewhere else"said Minato
"Sure.."said Kakashi as they both left the kitchen and went to the living room where there were two sofa facing each other and in the middle a square table
"So....aren't you gonna say anything to your son yet?"asked Kakashi as he raised his eyebrows
"I don't know...since I don't want him to interfere in this type of life...but I'm afraid I can't hide it forever..."said Minato as he sigh
"Well he is gonna find out one day...and he will be disappointed"said Kakashi
"I I'm thinking of telling him soon but I have will not let him be like me and Kushina"said Minato
" one wants"said Kakashi with a smile
"I'm done eating kakashi-sensei and dad me and mom are washing dishes so mom wants dad to go and bring the fruits she kept in her drawer"shouted Naruto from the kitchen
"You guys keep fruits in the drawers....."said Kakashi
"Yea....only some fruits..."said Minato as he sigh and went upstairs

After doing everything

Now they sitting in the living room Kakashi and Naruto in one sofa and Kushina ans Minato in one sofa facing eachother

"So Naruto what was the news you were so happy about?"asked Kushina with a smile
"Right...what was it Naruto?"asked Minato
"Umm well...I'm kinda nervous tho...."said Naruto as he blushed
"Ohhh..."said both Kushina and Minato
"I'll say Naruto..."said Kakashi as he path on Naruto shoulder as he looked at Kushina and Minato in which they were confused and raised an eyebrow
" see me and your son....uhhh are dating..."said Kakashi with a nervous smile
"Ohh!"said both Minato and kushina with a harsh voice
"So....ummm surprise!"said Naruto with a nervous laugh
"So have chosen death?"asked Minato as he took out a gun from his pocket and kept it on the table and so did Kushina
"Uhhh what are you doing? That's a fake gun right? Hahah"laughed Naruto as he picked up the gun and notice it was real
"Omg! It's really!"said Naruto as he kept back down
"Uhhhh....well I said so.."thought Kakashi as he embraced his faith
"Mom dad...explain this! How do you guys have real guns!"said Naruto
"Naruto do you really love this man?"asked Minato with a serious voice
"Think carefully should have known by now what kind of job he does...and what he does for living right?"asked Kushina
"Y-yea..but why are you guys acting like that! I won't break up with Kakashi!"said Naruto as he hugged Kakashi and stick himself into Kakashi like a koala sticking to a tree
"I also really love your son..I may not be the best...or I may not be able to give Naruto happiness in a good environment but...please Sensei...Kushina give me a chance to prove myself..."said Kakashi with a serious face
"Oh my...*sigh* I tried very hard to keep you away from this stuff still feel in love with a mafia..."said Minato with a nervous laugh
"What do you mean dad....don't tell me!"said Naruto with shock eyes
"We are sorry Naruto....but we are also mafia's both your father and I"said Kushina as she also sigh
"What! Why dint you guys tell me?!"asked Naruto as he was on the edge of crying
"Wait...don't cry Naruto...we are sorry...we were just looking out for know this is dangerous stuff"said Minato as he got worried
"Your dad is right Naruto...mommy and daddy love you very much!"said Kushina also worried
" dint have to hide it from me!"said Naruto as he cried in Kakashi arm
"We are sorry Naruto..."said Minato
"If your really sorry....then....then....accept me and kakashi-sensei relationship or else I'm never comming home I'm staying with Kakashi-sensei forever!"said Naruto which shock both Kushina and Minato
"Naruto...."said both of them
"You can't do that...your still underage Naruto"said Minato
"Stay with mommy and daddy for a while"said kushina
"Hmp! You guys are selfish you only thought for my future but not for my feelings...I hate you guys"said Naruto which broke his parents heart
"Noo...we are sorry Naruto...please forgive us! We will do anything...we don't want our only son to hate us"said Kushina
"We know our mistake son....just forgive us"said Minato
"Oh my...just forgive them Naruto..."said Kakashi
"Huh...why?"asked Naruto
"There are your parents and yes your still underage and also I could have told you about your parents...but I dint wanna interfere between you and your parents..."said Kakashi
"B-but...ugh....fine only if they agreed to our relationship"said Naruto with a pout
" what you think Sensei...Kushina?""asked Kakashi with a smile
"This bastard..."thought both Minato and kushina
"Hahha...if that what's Naruto want then...I guess it can't be helped"said Minato with a laugh
"But on some'll not get married now! You'll finished your studies and when you become independent I'll let you marry"said kushina to Naruto
"That's what I was supposed to do if you guys had said yes..."said Naruto with a smile
"So you'll really forgive us now!"asked Minato
"Ofcourse! I forgive you mom dad!"said Naruto with a smile as he hugged his parents and ofcourse their parents hugged back
"Come here Sensei!"said Naruto with a smile to Kakashi
"Right come here Kakashi! Since your my son boyfriend now"said Minato as he grab Kakashi by the shoulder tightly
"Y-yes..thanks dad...."said Kakashi with also a smile as he grab Minato shoulder tightly
"I'm so happy! Now my family is complete!"said Naruto with a bright smile

Thanks for reading!

Over and out!

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