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"Shut up and sleep...and don't think anything naughty boy"said Kakashi as he grin before falling asleep in the bed while hugging Naruto
"B-but! We haven't changed our clothes!!!"shouted Naruto
"It's fine! Just shut up and let me sleep will ya?"asked Kakashi as he looked at Naruto with his dark circle as he looked very tired
"Geez! Have you been getting no sleep! Gosh!"said Naruto as he comforted Kakashi by caressing his hair gently which made Kakashi more comfortable with him as he nuzzle his face on Naruto's body which shock Naruto a bit as he blush a bit
"Good night...I guess"said Naruto as he also stare at the ceiling upside
"This house really is big"thought Naruto as his eyes also became heavier
"I feel like I'm forgetting something.....oh well if I forget it...means it's not important"thought Naruto before falling asleep

The next day

Naruto was struck by a beam of light as the maids open the curtains waking up the sleeping Beauty as he was quickly greeted by the maids

"Good morning naruto-sama"said the maids which shock Naruto
"W-wait...did you call me naruto-sama?!"asked naruto in disbelief
"Yes naruto-sama as we are gonna address you like that"said the maids
"B-but...why! It's weird I feel weird"said Naruto as he got uneasy
"Well kakashi-sama told us to call you that and also you slept on kakashi-sama bed so it means your a very important person to kakashi-sama and we can't disrespect you"said one of the maid as Naruto eyes got wife
"Just because I slept in his bed?!"asked Naruto with a wow face
"Yes...because no one has slept on kakashi-sama bed not even his relatives nor his's even a surprise that kakashi-sama has showed you his one has entered this room except us maids and you"said the maid which made Naruto chin drop
"Never thought room can have this much value"thought Naruto as he tried to shrug off the feeling
"Well whatever may be the call me naruto-sama I'm too young"said Naruto as he got down from the bed and went straight to the bathroom

At downstairs

Not to mention it is Saturday

Uhhhh...guys I'm sorry for the inconvenience I just forgot to save it and I swear it was 1000 words I wrote lol....

Anyways I'll continue after I get home from school

Naruto made his way downstairs followed by a bunch of maids that he had failed to get rid of and as Naruto stood at the end of the stairs he thought

"Bruhhh....this house is huge how the hell am I gonna find that bastard"thought Naruto as he stood still until he was approached by a maid
"Follow me naruto-sama... kakashi-sama is waiting for you to have breakfast with him"said the maid as Naruto was shock but still followed the maid
"How did they know I was searching for him"thought Naruto

At the kitchen

Don't ask me which kitchen 💀

As soon as Naruto walked inside the kitchen he saw a bunch of more maids a kitchen set with everything possible there but he was shock to see a cute and small table which is about 2 people table and he saw that Kakashi was sitting on the other end so he decided to go and sit on the other side of the end
"Good morning Naruto"said Kakashi with a smile
"Morning"said Naruto as he made himself comfortable first
"So...after breakfast where shall we go?"asked Kakashi
"Huh? School ofcourse..where else and don't to mention your also a teacher there"said Naruto
"Ohh...right but I guess we have to skip school cause it's already 9am"said Kakashi with a smile which made Naruto eyes wide as he quickly stood up from his seat
"No way! I'm not missing my school!"shouted Naruto which made Kakashi chuckled
"Don't worry smartass today is Saturday"said Kakashi with a big laugh which made Naruto embarrass
"Why...y-you....hmp! Whatever!"said Naruto as he sat back down
"Anyways why do you start eating? You know guest first"said Kakashi with a small smile
"Ahhh...right..."said Naruto as he looked at his plate and saw a bunch of delicious stuff but when he looked at his surroundings he was circled by a bunch of maid which made him uncomfortable
"This is a bit weird"thought naruto as Kakashi show the sign and told all the maids to leave them alone until breakfast was over
"Ohh thank you"said Naruto as he tasted the food and he was immediately impressed by it and started to make many yummy sounds

After eating

"I'll go and get ready okay?"asked Naruto
"Sure! I'm already done tho"said Kakashi as he waited for Naruto in the living room and after some minutes he saw Naruto comming down with a plain white shirt and a navy blue pants which attracted Kakashi eyes so much that he stared at Naruto the whole time until Naruto slap him slowly
"Down to earth!"said Naruto as he sigh
"Ohhh sorry..."said Kakashi
"It's fine"said Naruto
"Anyways what car should we ride in?"asked Kakashi as they made their way to the garage where many cars where there
"Hmmm...I should say a car he dont have"thought Naruto as he smirk
"Hmmmm well...he have all the car I've known thing is that he don't have an electric car"thought Naruto as he grin and looked at Kakashi and said with confidence
"I want to ride on a electric you know an engine oil is polluting the environment"said Naruto with his heads up high
"Okay please sit a moment...."said Kakashi as he dial a number in his phone and after a few sec he kept the phone and looked at Naruto
"Okay the car is waiting for us outside please...follow me"said Kakashi which made Naruto pissed and shock
" way no way!"thought Naruto as he followed Kakashi

Thanks for reading! And I'm sorry for not finishing 😂 😂

Over and out!

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