Time to talk to the Mayor

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In the mayor's office, the atmosphere was tense with the weight of recent events. Sheriff Thompson stood before Mayor Johnson, his expression grave as he recounted the details of the train derailment and the unsettling reports of a creature lurking in the woods.

"The train derailed, Mayor. It's a miracle there were no fatalities among the crew. And the townspeople are scared—they believe there's something out there, something dangerous."

Mayor Johnson, a stout man with a penchant for skepticism, leaned back in his chair, furrowed in disbelief. "Sheriff, you can't seriously be entertaining the idea of a monster. This town has had its fair share of wildlife incidents."

Sheriff Thompson shook his head. "I've seen the evidence, Mayor. Strange footprints, reports of growls and sightings—it's not like anything we've dealt with before."

The mayor waved a dismissive hand. "Rogue mountain lion, Sheriff. That's what it sounds like to me. Probably strayed from the mountains, confused and scared. We've had them before."

Sheriff Thompson's jaw tightened. "With all due respect, Mayor, Joe and Sue's deaths can't be attributed to a mountain lion. The injuries were too severe, too... unnatural."

Mayor Johnson sighed heavily. "Sheriff, my priority is to maintain order in this town. The fair is crucial for our economy. I need you to assure the townspeople that everything is under control. Handle the wildlife threat swiftly and focus on keeping the peace."

Reluctantly, Sheriff Thompson nodded, though concern etched lines of worry on his face. "Yes, Mayor. I'll do what I can."

With a dismissive wave, Mayor Johnson turned his attention back to the paperwork on his desk, effectively ending the discussion. Sheriff Thompson exited the office with a heavy heart, knowing that the mayor's skepticism could jeopardize the safety of the townspeople.

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