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(Devils • Say Hi)

Felix sat behind his wooden desk. He fished his phone from his pocket and sent his friends a quick message announcing that he had gotten home safely.

He then casually clicked his phone case off his phone and the small business card fell out of it. Felix clicked his phone case back onto his phone and put it aside.

"Let's see." Felix sighed as he picked the card from his desk. He rolled his chair back and opened a drawer, revealing a safe.

The freckled man put in the code, which he changed every now and then just to stupidly enough forget the code, since he always made them at least ten digits long. Luckily he was amazing at cracking open safes.

He heard a beep and calmly opened the safe to eventually grab his computer from it. The safe fell close again and Felix heard another beep, indicating that it had locked itself again.

The computer looked like a regular laptop, yet it was much more than that.
Felix had put it together all by himself. He hadn't needed a manual nor had he had to figure it out. He first made a blueprint of it, and then simply put the pieces together.

Of course it hadn't worked at once. Felix had to keep improving things about it. He wasn't a super genius (maybe a little).
Felix's dad might've been a dick, but he most certainly taught Felix some useful things.
Like this and, not to forget, how to read people.

He opened the laptop, and was immediately met with the familiar five-step code. He had put it in there since he, first of all, loved deciphering codes, and second of all, didn't want anyone to just be able to enter his laptop. He hadn't spent months developing and building it for nothing.

Luckily he already knew what to do. He quickly cracked the code, then typed in the requested password, and he was in.

Felix looked at the card and then flipped it over. "Hwang Hyunjin..." Felix mumbled. He typed a few things onto his computer. The green letters were standing out sharply against the black background. Yes, it looked exactly like how it does in films. Felix liked to be aesthetic, don't make fun of him.
"Hwang corps..." Felix sighed. He scrolled around for a moment. He typed some more things, until he leaned back into his chair.

"That's one strong firewall for a simple business..." Felix mumbled. He smirked and bit the tip of his tongue.
"This might actually get interesting."

After many failed attempts of breaking through the firewall, Felix finally managed to get through it.
He leaned back in his chair in victory, throwing his hands up in the air as if wanting to show the nonexistent ghosts in his house that he wasn't useless after all.

He quickly leaned forward again, and scrolled through the lot of information he had gotten to. He knew he didn't have much time. He hadn't really been able to disable the 'alarm', and that said something.

Felix was a genius when it came to computers, although he never got an actual job with it.
At least not one anybody knows about, except his clients maybe.

Felix gasped and then smirked. "Hwang crime family?" He chuckled. "Now it's getting fun." He poked the side of his cheek with his tongue.

He opened a new 'tab', to call it that way, and searched for 'Hwang crime family'. He got multiple links from newspapers and tabloids with crimes operated by a certain 'Hwang Sobong'.

Felix clicked a random link:

Hwang Sobong carries out mass murder in Gangnam, Seoul

Felix read the article with a mixture of horror and awe.
The preparations for the mass murder had been simply ingenious, Felix must admit. It was sly and foul, but ingenious.

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