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(Haunted Rave • Gary and the Ghouls)

"Oh my god, I'm exhausted!" Felix exclaimed at the end of his shift. Jisung laughed.
"It's not that hard." He said. Felix looked up as if offended.
"Not that hard?!" He said dramatically. "The only thing you have to do is make coffee and shove a pastry on a plate, I need to make those pastries!" The younger said defensively. Jisung just continued laughing. 'Mad' Felix was always funny.

Felix rolled his eyes and scoffed theatrically, flipping his imaginary long hair over his shoulders and walking out of the kitchen, with Jisung's growing laughter behind him.

"At least we've found something you're good at!" Jisung yelled after him. Felix scoffed again but couldn't help a smile from forming on his lips. He walked into the small changing room and took off his apron. He stuffed it in the small locker and then switched it with his jacket.

He was very well aware that Hyunjin had texted him a lot throughout the day, but he had honestly just ignored it a little bit. Although he was curious for why Hyunjin found it necessary to text him so much, Felix was also kind of done with the other already.

And for some reason the fact that he was now officially married didn't really dawn on him.
He groaned in frustration.

He would try to escape to his own apartment, and he really hoped that Hyunjin wouldn't scare the shit out of him like last time.

"Felix." Jisung called out for him as he walked into the small changing room as well. He took off his apron as well and hung it in his locker, wrestling his puffy jacket out of the locker.

"Louis said he'd clean up for today, he saw how tired you were." He said. Felix nodded.
"That's nice of him." He responded. Jisung hummed in agreement.

"Hey, how about we watch a film tonight?" He jumped up excitedly. Felix bit his tongue. He wasn't sure if that was such a good idea, with how clingy Hyunjin was at the time.

"Sure, I'll have to text Hyunjin first though, to clarify that he doesn't have to pick me up." He explained, ignoring Jisung's extremely annoying smirk. "My house?" He asked.

"Sure." Jisung said, not even trying to hide his grin. He left the room without another word, and Felix took the opportunity to fish his phone out of his pocket.

He unlocked his phone and opened Hyunjin's texts, not even bothering to read them (of course he did, they just weren't of great importance).

He typed a simple message and was about to send it when a call came in. For some reason he wasn't surprised to see who was calling.

Felix sighed and pressed the green button, putting the phone against his ear.

"Dove?" Hyunjin's voice called out. Felix hummed a yes. "My workshift turned out to be a little longer than expected, but I can pick you up now if you need me to?" He suggested. Felix hummed a no.

"Don't bother, I'm going to watch a film with Jisung tonight at my place." He explained. Right then Jisung came in. Felix quickly plastered a smile on his face.
The line stayed silent for a few seconds.

Felix frowned. "Jinnie?" He called out. He wanted to hit himself in the face. It had just rolled off his tongue. God dammit, he must've looked like an idiot.

As if wanting to check that he really had said that stupid nickname he looked up at Jisung, who was smirking wider than ever. Yep, he really had.

"Yes, so you'll stay the night at your place?" Hyunjin asked. Felix hummed a yes. His face was burning up in shame.
And Jisung saw everything. Felix really wanted the man to just leave.

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