Whatever Happened to Betty Monroe

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"What did happened to Betty Monroe?"

Were often asked around the coffee machine at TransCorp where she worked.

"Who?" Or "Oh yeah, her" were the most popular answers to that question. And before anyone could elaborate further, another topic of conversation would bloom and soon Betty was again forgotten about.

If Betty Monroe had been there that day she would have been pleased of the anonymity she managed to uphold. She wasn't good in crowds, nor socialising in general. Preferring the company of her books. Her ideal vacation was somewhere with a bookshop, library and plenty of coffee shops.

Unfortunately, for her this solitude was going to be literally 'the death of her'.

The last day of Betty Monroe started normally, she got out of bed at 06:30, showered, dressed had her usual breakfast of cereal, toast and orange juice. Brushed her teeth, grabbed her jacket and bag and headed for the train station.

The platform was no more busy than usual and she waited patiently for her train. It was during this period that she had the feeling that she was being watched. Slowly turning from side to side Betty tried to see if anyone was looking at her. But all of the other passengers were just starring straight ahead.

She was about to do the same, when her eye caught the sight of a man on the opposite platform smiling at her. Now self-conscious Betty tried to hide amongst the crowd. But she couldn't help but stare at the stranger. He was tall, dressed totally in black and oddly wearing a top hat! Betty allowed herself a coy smile, thinking how funny he looked. Reminding her of the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

All thoughts of him soon disappeared when the train finally arrived.

Betty climbed onboard the train, entered a carriage and found an empty seat. Settled down, she produced her book from her bag and continued from where she left off.

It was halfway through her journey that the feeling of being watched came upon her again. Boldly this time she purposely looked about her to see who was starring. To her horror it was the same man from the platform!

She spontaneous gave a shriek, grabbing everyone in the carriage attention. Wide-eyed and her mouth even wider, she immediately clapped her hand over the gaping hole.

"Are you alright ma'am?" Someone asked.

But all Betty could do was have her eyes fixed on the stranger. Laughing now, he got out of his seat and made his way towards her.

Betty was oblivious to the concerns of the passengers around her. She watched as he seemingly walked through the passengers now only feet away from her.

With his Cheshire Cat grin, Betty noticed his teeth were thin and pointed like sharp needles. Also his skin was translucent grey. Like he had been pulled out of a black and white movie.

"Hello Betty. So, you want to be alone do you?" And before she could respond, he touched her hand.

Immediately her colour began to drain out of her and into the stranger. Soon it was her that had the appearance of monochrome. Once the transfer of colour was completed. The focus of well-being switched to the stranger, as if it was he that had been in destress. All attention now was away from Betty.

The stranger thanked everyone for their concern and went back to his seat, looking in the direction of where Betty would have stood.

Betty leapt up from her seat and made her way over to the stranger. "Who are you and what have you done to me!" She cried out. But the stranger either was ignoring her or he genuinely now didn't see her.

The train eventually stopped and decanted it's passengers. Betty, soon lost the stranger in the crowd. Still in shock, she blindly followed the travelling hurd out of the station. Not knowing what to do next, she followed her instincts and headed for the office.

Once inside the reception, Betty retrieved her pass from her bag and made to swipe her way through the turnstile. Instead of the green light that opened the turnstile. She was met with a red light and an audible alarm. Embarrassed, she turned to make her apology, but people seem to walk through her not noticing she was in the way or that she set the alarm off.

Betty walked close behind a member of staff and gained entrance to the building. She had the same problem trying to catch the elevator. Nothing worked for her and people stopped paying her attention. It was as if she simply didn't exist!

The final act of despair came when approaching her desk she saw it had been taken by someone else. 

"Excuse me. I sit here."

No answer.

"I said I sit here!" Betty now more animated.

"Ah!" Said a voice behind her.

Betty turned to see her boss.

"Mr Jackson, thank heavens, look this person..."

Betty stopped talking. It was clear Mr Jackson was not listening to her.

"How are you settling in Mrs Wilde?"

"Fine, however, there still seems to be some personal items left in the drawer from the previous employee."

Betty now looked into the open drawer.

"Yes, that's my stuff..."

"Oh right, I get them removed and sent on to the next of kin. Oh what was her name again. Murray, Martin. Sounds awful but I can't remember her now."

Betty screamed a scream that nobody would hear. Eventually, people would remember her again all be it fleeting. They would say, whatever did happen to Betty Monroe?

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