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It’s so annoying, I can still hear them even with my ear buds in.

I’m on the bus taking my normal commute to work which normally last an hour. It’s my time to chill out and listen to my music before the rush of the day begins. So, the last thing I want to disturb this time of solitude is to hear someone behind whispering.

I turn around, removing my buds to give that person the evil stare, but to my surprise there is no-one directly behind me. The nearest passenger is two rows back and they are reading a book!

We make eye contact. Me with my evil stare, them smiling before returning to whatever they are reading. With a huff I face forward returning my buds to my ears, annoyed now that I have missed half of this new album I was listening to. I rewind the download and resume where I left off. To my grievance the whispering starts again.

Before I turn around again, I’m wondering if its on the download. I pause the track, rewind and listen again. This time I’m concentrating on any background noise. To my frustration there is none, so I turn it off and listen to another album instead and once more I’m haunted by someone whispering!

It’s no good I can’t concentrate the whispering is getting louder so I turn my music off altogether and with my ear buds in my pocket, I try and listen in to what is being said. I’ll admit the whispering is definitely getting louder but I still cannot hear what is being said. It’s no good I’ll have to have another look behind me to see who it is.

Someone is playing a game with me, I’m sure of it. As soon as look over my shoulder the whispering stops. Again, I look forward then it starts up. Now, by rights I should not have let this get to me but it has and now it was a matter of pride. I was determined to ‘out’ my tormentor.

“OK, who is whispering about me behind my back! Come on own up!” I stand slightly losing my balance as the bus rocks from side to side. The looks I get is bemusement: amusement and frustration at themselves being disturbed. The bus driver looks around the corner of her cab.

“Everything alright back there?”

“Just some girl going nuts!” volunteers a passenger.

The whispering returned and now facing everyone on the bus, I can see that no-one is speaking. The voices are in my head. I need help!

The bus driver is only to happy to let me off. I stand at the bus stop shaking my head. The whisper is now a loud audible voice that I can now just about fully hear. In my frustration I step off the curb and in between the screech of the tyres and me hitting the car I now hear the voice clearly warning me:

“Don’t cross the road!”

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