The Awakening

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Liz Grimes lay curled up under her duvet, shaking!

With the sun attempting to stream through her curtains, Liz was still in the foetal position at 11am. Her eyes wide as saucers and her heart still pounding. Sleep had not visited her that passed night.

Downstairs, she could hear her parents and younger siblings leave for the movies. Her mum shouted up announcing their departure, but Liz said nothing. She was still far to comatosed.

Some time after the family had gone, she eventually dared to peer out from under the bed linen towards her black canvas bag she threw into the corner of her bedroom when she arrived home late last night.

The bag contained a book that was meant to be used in a harmless bit of fun. Liz never imagined that the incantations inside really would awaken the dead! It was on sale at a house clearance and she was drawn to its black leather cover that appeared to be etched with tattoos!

The bag moved and Liz once again trembled. The book within was behaving like a trapped wild animal demanding to be set free! It then growled and tried to lurch forward towards her. Liz threw back the duvet, leaping out of bed. She was still dressed from her night out and now like her bed linen, covered in mud!

Ignoring the bag out of fear, she gathered up her bedding and slamming her bedroom door made her way to the utility room. With Liz now striped to her bra and pants, and the washing machine busy she sat at the kitchen table reading the updated local news on her tablet.

‘GraveYard Disturbance’ read the headline.

‘Police in the early hours of the morning were called to the Oakwood Cemetery after locals reported some teenagers screaming. When the police arrived, numerous graves had been exhumed...’

Liz pushed the tablet away and stared up at the ceiling. Closing her eyes, she could still see the hands of rotting corpses bursting through the soil. In a blind panic to escape, Liz fell into multiple open graves.

Once away from the cemetery Liz eased her running to a fast walk. It was while walking through the quiet streets that she heard people behind her. She turned only to be met with nothing. But it was definitely there, all around the sound of shuffling footsteps walking towards her. Some, were accompanied by the long drawn out sound of an asthmatic wheeze.

Liz suddenly snapped out her late-night recollection, there was a gurgling sound now coming from the washing machine. The door to the tub was wide-open and brown slurry was spewing from its open mouth. Ankle deep in mud, Liz became frantic trying, without success, to close the door. Then the sound of numerous footsteps returned!

Liz looked about her, she abandoned the utility room and bounded back up the stairs. Slamming her bedroom door she placing an ear against it trying to hear for the sound of the labored breathing. But the departed hadn’t followed Liz upstairs. That was because they were already in the bedroom waiting for her!

Upon realising, Liz froze not wanting to look round. Not even when an icy asthmatic breath brushed her neck.

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