Not In Service

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Lesley Grant ran out of her house, right arm half way in her school blazer while the other one flapped to keep her school bag on her shoulder. It was not the most elegant of departures from her house giving the impression of a distressed baby bird attempting to fly. But appearances were the least of her concern. Because this was the third morning in a week that Lesley was going to be late for school.

Eventually, she made it to the designated bus stop. All that training she put in on the running track paid off. She adjusted her tie and smothered down her skirt and blazer. It may be a school uniform but no way was she getting on that bus looking like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards.

Up ahead she could see the distinct bright yellow school bus approaching. Lesley held out her hand and waved it up and down. The bus driver could be seen through the windscreen but he seemed not to be paying any attention to the road or Lesley.

Seeing that the bus was not slowing down for her, she became more animated with her hand waving. Lesle could see the driver was standing up in his seat altering the destination of the bus. To her horror the sign on the front changed from the name of her school to read, NOT IN SERVICE.

No amount of gesticulating was going to grab this drivers attention and all she could do was watch open mouthed as the bus sped past her.

Lesley could see through the buses side windows all her fellow pupils chatting and carrying on being oblivious to her standing at the bus stop.

As the bus passed, a volley of expletives charged out of her mouth. A mother walking by looked at Lesley with some amount of distain as she attempted to cover the ears of her child.

"What did she say mummy?"

Before the bus reached the end of the road, Lesley was down on her knees exchanging her school shoes for the trainers she carried. There was only one thing for it, she'd have to run to school.

Even with a good steady spirit Lesley knew she would be half an hour late for school, she only hoped that the teacher on duty catching the late comers was back inside. Lesley thought she'd be able to make it to Biology and hopefully bluff off being late for registration and her first lesson by saying she was in the toilet suffering from a bout of sickness.

However, when she did arrive at school, she didn't expect the reception she got. Waiting for her was every member of staff and most of the parents that had kids in her year. Plus two police cars!

'Blimey!' she exclaimed. 'This is a bit OTT for being late!'

Upon seeing Lesley outside the school gates, one of the teachers came running over to her. Lesley was already with her story of the bus going past her, when the teacher took her by the arms.

"My dear child. Thank heavens you are safe!" Then looking over Lesley's shoulder the teacher enquired,

"Where are the others from the bus?"

"Thats what I'm trying to tell you Mrs Fraser. The bus just drove by me and I had to run to school!"

By now, parents and police officers were coming over to her. She could see the anxiety on their faces. Now showing some concern herself, she asked. "What's happened?"

Mrs Fraser moved Lesley away from the mob that was now approaching.

"The bus Lesley. It never turned up here this morning. Its gone missing!"

Author note:
I hope you enjoyed this tale. I'd appreciate it if you would please leave a comment expressing your thoughts.

Thank you and bye for now, more stories to follow soon.

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