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Lily Harrowing stood peering out of the college library window. Hugging her book close to her chest, she watched as students ran in the rain, jumping over puddles, on there way to their classes.

With the quadrangle empty, she went back to the table and opened her book, resuming from where she left off. She was so engrossed that she didn't notice her friend Gemma Whitley tip-toe up behind her.


Lily simultaneously screamed and leapt out of her chair clutching her heart. Trying to catch her breath, she saw her friend roaring with laughter as well as hearing the librarian warning both girls they would be evicted if they didn't behave. Lily picked her book up off the floor and sat back and continued where she left off.

"You should have seen your face!" laughed Gemma.

"Not funny Gem, not funny at all."
Lily smoothed out the crinkled pages.

Gemma leaned over Lily's shoulder and snatched away the book away from her.


"The Ghosts of Harrowing Hall!" Gemma mocked, tossing the book back towards Lily.

"Isn't that the name of the creepy place you live in?"

"It's not a creepy place, it's my ancestral home." answered Lily.

Gemma delved deep into her collage bag and pulled out a book covered in glittering stars. "Now, this is what you should be reading." she said brandished the latest celebrity autobiography.

Lily gave the book a quick flick through, turned up her nose and passed it back to Gemma.

She then put her book away before popping some fresh bubblegum into her mouth. "You're not seriously telling me you believe in all that ghost stuff, are you?"

Lily rolled her eyes then closed her book. "Ghosts are just imprints on time that gradually fade."

Gemma just stared at her friend twisted a finger through her hair. Lily put her book to one side and placed a hand on Gemma's wrist. Looking deep into her friends' eyes, she tried another approach.

"Someone takes a picture of you and the flash from their phone blinds you. For a few seconds all you see is the outline of that person even when you look away. Eventually the outline fades. That's what ghosts are, outlines left on the fabric of time."

Gemma said nothing waiting to see if Lily was going to add anything else. When she wasn't forthcoming, Gemma gradually broke into a smile. Taking her hand away, she began to laugh. "Whoa! You had me there. You're defiantly coming to my Halloween party with stories like that! "

Lily let her head drop, it was no use explaining. Gemma needed something more. Out of desperation, Lily grabbed Gemma's hand.

"Hey! What are you doing. Boy! Your hands are suddenly cold!"

She looked down at Lily's hands and blinked. She couldn't believe what she was now seeing! Absolutely terrified Gemma looked up into Lily's face and like her hands, it began to fade.

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