Broken Wings

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The young woman the hospital named ‘Malak’ was looking out of her window when Doctor Jones came by. Alarmed at seeing her up, he called on the service of a passing nurse to get Malak back into her bed.

“Come now, you shouldn’t be up not after what you have been through.”

Malak looked at the doctor as she was gently escorted her back to bed. Once safely tucked up, the doctor then gave Malak a check-up.

“I think it’s incredible that the cuts and bruises you suffered are almost gone. Just some bruising around the eyes and cuts to your legs.”

Malak smiled, she had a serenity about her that seemed to infect those who she came in contact with. Like anyone who looked into her eyes, the doctor was overcome with overwhelming joy such as he had never experienced before. He had the desire to stay there longer with her but the pager reminded him of his other patients.

Getting up off her bed, the doctor asked the nurse. “Any word of an interpreter? 

“We have tried every overseas member of staff, still we haven’t been able to make contact with her. Our hopes are now pinning on Dr Rosenberg.”

Malak was the only word the young woman was able to speak when she was brought into the hospital three nights ago. Battered and bloody wearing a torn white dress, everyone thought she was a victim of a vicious assault. But after the x-rays it was concluded her injuries were that similar to someone falling from a great height. The police did a detailed search of the the area where she was found, to see if anyone knew her, but this too drew a blank.

However, the x-rays did reveal something surprising and still a mystery to the medical team, Malak had two stumps on her back, just below her shoulder blades, as if she was growing some extra limbs!

The doctor updated Malak’s notes and hooked the chart back over her bed then left the room. The nurse refilled Malak’s water jug then followed the doctor, bumping into Doctor Rosenberg.

“I was just coming in to see the patient, I was told that I might be the one able to talk to her?”

When Doctor Rosenberg met the young woman, he had the strangest feeling he knew exactly who she was. He closed the door behind him and upon seeing the doctor, Malak sat bolt upright, her face immediately shone as if she was bathed in sunlight and for the first time in three days, she spoke.

Some time later, Doctor Jones returned to Malak’s room only to find it was empty except for Doctor Rosenberg staring out of the window looking heavenwards. On hearing Doctor Jones approach Rosenberg turned towards him. Rosenbergs face had the same look of serenity Jones had seen on the young woman's face.

“Malak," said Rosenberg. "in ancient Hebrew, it means ‘Messenger’.” he held out his hand to show Jones a white feather. “Also known as 'Angels'!"

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