Chapter 3 Revenge

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Jillian's pov
The laughter and chants from the pep rally echo in my ears long after it had ended.

I storm down the hall, my fists clenched and my mind racing with ideas for how to get back at Jack.

Jane hurries to keep up with me, her face etched with concern.
"Jill, you need to calm down," she said,
placing a hand on my arm.

"He's just trying to get under your skin."

"Well, he's succeeding!" I snap, pulling my arm away.

"But he's not going to get away with it this time.
I spent the rest of the day plotting my revenge, barely paying attention in class. By the time I got home, I had a plan. I was going to hit Jack where it hurt the most—his precious skateboard.
That evening After cheer practice i made my way to his locker. I found Jack's favorite board stashed just where I thought it would be. It wasn't even locked you see the little dimwit never figured out how to use the twisty locks with the numbers (you know what I'm talking about)

so he just put a stick though the hole (glad I said that in my head (the lock hole) to keep it closed.
With a small, satisfied smile, I grab it stash it in my locker and head home
Jack's Pov
The next morning, I felt a sense of satisfaction as I walked into school. I forgot my skateboard yesterday but I'm planing on skating home.
The memory of Jillian's face at the pep rally still makes me grin. But as the day went on, I noticed she was unusually quiet, she should still be whining about yesterday.

After school, I head to my locker to grab my skate bored eager to blow off some steam. But when I get there, my skateboard is gone. I search everywhere, but its nowhere to be found. Anger flares up inside me. I should have expected this.

I march straight to Jillian's locker, ignoring the curious stares of other students. She stands there with Jane, pretending to be innocent. But I'm not fooled.

"Where's my fucking skateboard, Jillian?" I demand, my voice low and threatening.

She looks up at me, her green eyes flashing with revenge. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jack."

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you took it," I hiss, stepping closer almost pining her to the locker.

Jane tries to intervene. "Guys, let's not do this here."
But Jillian holds her ground. "Maybe you should be more careful with your things, Jackass."
"This isn't over, Jillian. My hand slams into the lockers You're going to regret this."

I storm away, Im not going to let her get away with it. Plus now I have to walk home.
Jillian's Pov
Seeing Jack so angry is satisfying, but I knew it won't end there. He's going to come after me, and I need to be ready. Jane gives me a worried look as we walk to our first class.
"Jill, you're playing with fire. Jack's not going to let this slide."
"I know," I said, my voice steely. "But neither am I."
The rest of the week was tense. Every time I turned a corner, I expected Jack to be there, ready to strike back.
But nothing happened. It wasn't like him to be so patient. It made me even more uneasy.
Finally, on Friday, the school day ended without incident. I started to think maybe Jack had decided to let it go.

But as I start to walk home I see
him leaning against a tree on my right, a smug look on his face.
"Nice try, Jillian," he said, pushing off and walking toward me.
he pulled my own prank on me.
He held up my phone, I must have dropped it earlier. My heart sank.
"You should be more careful with your things," he said in a high pitch voice to mock mine.
"Trade me" I roll my eyes
"If you insist I mean this is a pretty nice phone I have here."
"Do you want your skate board back or not?"
I march in the direction of the school and he follows behind me.
I open my locker.
"You put it in there?? " his eyes widen.
"Yeah, it would have been weird if I brought it home."
"I guess."

"Same time"
My hand is on my phone and his on the skateboard.
I let go of the board but he doesn't let go
Of my phone.
"Give it back!"
He holds it over my head teasingly.
I snatch my phone back, my face burning with anger.
"It wasn't usable anyways"
I look at my phone to find that it's locked out for 6 hours
How many times did he try to get in??
"What the fuck Jack? Not cool."
"I know I'm not cool I'm hot " he grins at me
"This isn't over, Jackass."
He laughs. "Oh, I'm counting on it."

What's up my dudes and dudettes prob mostly dudettes What'd ya think of the pranks they pulled the last two chapters? Next chapter is how it all started how you like it!

Jack and Jill (enemies to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now