Chapter 10 Detention again?!?!

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I officially made it to 10 chapters!!! Yay
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Jacks Pov
"If you hate me so much then why do you always have to be near me?" Jill glumly asks.
"Oh come on that's easy! to annoy the hell outta you." I laugh.
"Ok but, think of all the better things you could be doing with your time!"
I do think about it but only for a second.
"Yes but annoying you is fun!"
"For you it is." she turns away.
"You annoy me too princess don't worry but I like it. It gives me a reason to annoy you back."
She scowls and goes back to her page.
Jill's Pov
I swear the clock is moving slower then it's supposed to. This detention with Mr. Martin is even better than what we were supposed to do the first time!! (Note the sarcasm)
we're writing lines about our poor choices.
I have already filled up two pages trying to ignore him and it's only been about ten minutes.
meanwhile Jackass is only a quarter of the way through the paper.
"So princess?"
I ignore him.
He taps me on the shoulder.
I get up and move to the back of the classroom.
Of course he follows and pulls out a chair next to me still smirking I might add.
"Can't you just leave me alone?"
"No can do"
"So since I helped you with getting your phone back can you help me with this assignment for social studies?"
"No" I deadpan.
"But we made a deal!"
"You didn't actually get my fricken phone back!!"
"But I helped you try that's gotta count for somethin"
"Well I'm my books it doesn't."
"You know I've been thinking.."
"Well that's a first" I interrupt.
"Hey that's not nice!" He scowls.
"Who said I was nice?" I reply.
"no one ever." He smirks.
"Go back to your page!!" I exclaim.
"But it's boring!"he pouts.
"Your the one who fricken got us in detention!"
"Shhh" mr. Martin whispers glancing at us. Jack pretends to write the lines till the teacher looks away.
"I was gonna say thinking about you"
"Oh well I've thought about you too" I say in a cheerful voice.
"it reminded me to take out the trash."
Jacks Pov
Dam it I hate when I can't one up her!
Why is she so good at burning people specifically me??
I was trying to do one of those sick burns off the internet
-You know I've been thinking about you
-You have? they allegedly respond.
-You'd look better bald.
(Or you'd look better whatever insult you wanna put in.)

And also where are Marcus and Nixon when I need them? They always sing our theme song. Theme rhyme? I don't know. Always sing jack and Jill. And she HATES IT. That's probably why I love it so much.

"Oh nice tights by the way" I snicker at the cats riding rocket ships.
"They're leggings!"
"Ok really like your leggings then." I grin.
"Why are you complementing me?"
"Because your a pretty princess!" I exclaim.
"Jackass" she mutters at me and goes back to writing lines again. Show off wants to do the most lines out of anyone in detention like there's some sorta reward or something. Everything always has to be a competition.
Jill's Pov
Why is he so fucking annoying? I'm at my limit just leave me alone.
I want to yell at the top of my lungs. But I won't. I just want to go home to  a nice meal, go on my phone and collapse on my bed. Is that so much to ask??
I check the clock for the millionth time. Ok only 20 minutes to freedom.
"Hey remember when you fell asleep on me yesterday?"
"No I don't  I was asleep!"
"I must have been comfortable then" he smirks the signature smirk.
I roll my eyes and continue writing lines
I'm at thirteen pages full.
Jack has completed two and a half.
He leans in and whispers in my ear "Your ignoring me because it's true."
"Jack for the last time!"
"It won't be the last time don't worry princess."

I un-scooch my chair pick up my stuff and move to the very front of the classroom.

Mr. Martin gives me an apologetic look
This time finally jack doesn't follow.
I glance at the time once more and there's only five minutes left.

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