Chapter 9 Trumpet Boys

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Jacks Pov

"Hey Jack dude!!"
"We're doing a group project. I said I'd be with you." Marcus yells across the room. The teacher glares at him.
Dam it.  I usually pick someone smart to be with like Jill. no not Jill uh like Eugene yeah he's really smart. And totally all out nerdy the glasses and all. (So I don't fail plus it's less work for me)
But since Marcus is my best bro.
I join the table with him and Aaron.
"So, whats this project about anyways?"
"It's some sort of project about making a countries laws or something" Marcus explains poorl. ( because he nor Aaron were actually paying attention in social studies.)
"And how long do we have to do this exactly?"
"Till Friday"
"It's a presentation so I dibs making the PowerPoint you guys do the research and stuff" Aaron annonces.
"And how is that fair?" I ask.
"I dibsed it! snooze you lose!" He grins.
Oooh that fucker.
I used that same sentence on him at summer camp a while back, calling dibs on the biggest water gun and the top bunk.
"Fine, you dick, take the only fun part."
The bell rings.
Finally, I'm done with this.
I still really need someone's help or something
It's not that I'm not smart okay? I just got other stuff to do! Far more important than a silly little project if you ask me.
I head to my locker to grab my instrument for band. Band and Gym are like the two best subjects in the world. (In my opinion) it's so easy for gym you just play a sport or exercise (which is good for you know keeping up my physique 😉) and band well you don't actually have to play great (but I still do) all you do is read the notes and play them plus if you make a mistake no one hears it. Okay maybe they do but they don't know it was you.
Jillian's already there. How is she always so fricken early? She plays the trombone so she's greasing her slidey thing. Suddenly she stops and starts to play the Imperial March as I enter I swear to god she does this every single time.
She has this huge grin that I just hate so fricken much.
I take out my trumpet and add the mouth piece turn around and blow as hard as I can in her face. (The trombone section is behind the trumpet for those who aren't in band)
"Jaack! Stooop" she whines.
I do it again.
"That seriously hurts my ears!!!"
"Darth Vader wouldn't stop"
"Settle down everyone!"  The band teacher yells over all the noise.
I turn back around in my seat to face the front again.
Gotcha! I think in my head.
"Let's start with warm up scales 3 on page 14."
Everyone turns to that page
"Hey Jack?"
A couple seats away from me is Nixon.
"I forgot my warm up book can we share?"
"I'm two seats away from you how are we supposed to do that??"
"Just share with Elizabeth."
"Your right"
(Elizabeth confessed her feelings to him and he rejected her so now it's awkward between them)
"And a one two three four" The band teacher starts.
We're a little pitchy but we do the full scale up and down. 
then arpeggios up and down.
I'd have you know that I'm first trumpet. So yes I am better at something then Jill she's just trombone I guess most songs don't have a first and second trombone. Oh well I'm better than her.
"Very good everyone!" The band teacher says
"Aright, take out The Terminator."
I flip through my pages and find it almost at the very back of my music.
The whole band is a cacophony of sound just up until the teacher waves there magic wand stick thing around and somehow everyone understands what it means?
We start to play im the melody of course followed by harmonies and base backing the trumpets and flutes up.
But then we have an 8 bar rest and the trombones take the melody
I look back and see Jill and the other trombones triumphantly playing.
Whatever it wasn't thaaat
Jill's Pov
Author?? why did Jack get so much of this chapter Huh? What's so good about what that douche had to say?
You have to admit though. The Impiral march prank is funny. He tried to learn it to do it back to me but it just doesn't sound right because the part is low and he plays the trumpet. He is literally the stereotypical annoying trumpet boy. After band I have math and I was going to head straight to try and get my phone back but of course jack runs into me? How do we always seem to run into each other? it's like he reroutes all the ways to possibly get to a class so that he always can annoy me!
I'm glad it's Friday though I get two days free of seeing him.
"Jilllliaaaaan??" He sings at me.
"Jilllliann Milller???" He grabs my shoulder
"I need your help with something."
"And why would I help you"?
"Because if you don't help me then I'll be annoying in detention?"
"Nope not helping you." I already know he'll be annoying no matter what I do. Why should I help with his stupid problems?
I walk faster. "Why are you in such a hurry?" He questions.
I don't answer. "Oh your trying to get your phone back." He clues in.
"I have an idea!"  he says proceeding to block the door
"You help me and I'll help you"
I consider it for a moment it's probably the best offer I'm gonna get
he also happens to be blocking the door so I agree
"Fine I'm not sure how your going to help but Fineee."
He pushes the door open.
"ah you two what brings you here?" 
"Early for class" jack covers for me. Or maybe it was for himself. But not covering the way I was planning in my head.  I needed to "ask Mr. Martin for help with something"
"Right" he eyes us suspiciously.
"well take your seats I guess."
Jack does.  I suppose he can't read my mind.
"Wait! I wanted to ask about um, I stutter. ooh, I'm going on vacation soon so I was wondering if I could have some of the next assignments in advance?"
"Oh um sure! that makes sense."
"Your a very good student you know Jill"
"Oh thanks!"
"I'll get these printed out for you now alright?"
"Uhuh" I nod
He leaves the room. Just like that gone.
it's just me and Jack.
"Quickly!" I yell at him
We both search Mr. Martins desk drawers but disappointing find nothing.
Crap crap crap!!
"Where is it?"
"Beats me." He smirks.
"Well if we don't find it then I'm not helping you with whatever you need help with."
"What??? Now that's unfair!"
We continue searching but have no luck.
"Shit." Jack mutters.
I frantically close the desk drawers and we both freeze as Mr Martin enters. He eyes us both suspiciously
"Thanks again for the papers" I stammer and head to my seat.
Students start to enter.
Mission failed.
I didn't get my phone back.
I sigh and pull out my calculus book out of my bag.
I'm done with jack right now. That stupid annoying idiotic (I swear I could go on and on about him) oh really Jill on and on about him hm? Fucking jackass. I'm sooo excited to spend a full extra hour with the annoying jerk after school.

Not gonna lie that wasn't the best chapter but I'm trying I had lots of writing blocks but actually spent a lot of time figuring out what I wanted other chapters to be about.
kinda got distracted reading other wattpads oops.
Please comment because I would really like to hear more from my viewers.
Next chapter comes another detention hehe.

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