Pt 8.5

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The next challenge was announced: racing. Valicia's heart skipped a beat. Racing was one of her strengths, and she felt a surge of confidence. But then Chatterbox revealed the twist.

"Today's race will be down Mount Chiliad," he said with a mischievous grin. "The path is treacherous and full of surprises, so stay sharp."

Valicia exchanged excited looks with Ray and Timothy. They knew this wouldn't be easy, but it was a challenge they were ready to face. They made their way to the starting point at the top of Mount Chiliad, the view from the peak both breathtaking and daunting.

Valicia climbed into her vehicle, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. She took a deep breath, mentally preparing for the race ahead. The other racers, including Chatterbox and his crew, lined up beside her.

"Remember, stay focused and don't let anyone throw you off," Ray said from his car, giving her a thumbs-up.

Timothy nodded. "You've got this, Val. Show them what you're made of."

Chatterbox, in the car next to her, glanced over and gave her a nod, a mix of challenge and respect in his eyes. "Let's see if your driving skills match your hiding skills," he said, revving his engine.

With the signal given, the racers took off, speeding down the treacherous slopes of Mount Chiliad. The path was narrow, winding, and filled with obstacles. Valicia's adrenaline surged as she navigated the twists and turns, her focus razor-sharp.

Rocks and trees whizzed by, and she expertly maneuvered her car, dodging obstacles and keeping her speed. The other racers were close behind, but Valicia held her lead, her experience and skill evident in every move.

Chatterbox was right on her tail, pushing her to her limits. But Valicia was determined. This was her element, and she wasn't going to let anyone beat her. As they neared the bottom of the mountain, the finish line came into view.

With one final burst of speed, Valicia crossed the finish line, her heart pounding with exhilaration. She had done it. She had won the race down Mount Chiliad. Ray and Timothy cheered from their cars, their pride in their friend clear.

Chatterbox crossed the finish line moments later, a begrudgingly impressed look on his face. "Not bad, Val. Not bad at all," he said, pulling up beside her.

Once everyone finishes the race chatterbox announces that the next and final game is clown risk.

Everyone goes up to the top of the bridge and players take turns rolling a six-sided dice and performing the action that corresponds with the number they roll. For example, rolling a one might require the player to slide west, while rolling a six might require them to celebrate. Players must remain facing the direction they end up in, and cannot move, look around, or push anyone off the edge while performing their action.

The winner of the race , which is Val

Val rolls a 5, and Chatterbox announces that she must do a clown pose. Val strikes her best clown pose, facing the direction she ends up in. Who goes next?

Timothy goes next and rolls a 1, so he slides west, positioning himself accordingly. Who is up after Timothy?

Gigi rolls a 4 and performs a flip. After everyone else takes their turns, the game continues for about an hour. It comes down to Val and another player. The other player goes first and loses, making Val the winner.

Chatterbox, unable to show his pride, watches as Val's friends and Twinkles congratulate her. Val, feeling proud, allows the attention. She then walks over to Chatterbox, teasing him and demanding that he pay up.

"How does it feel chatty? Knowing I can play your games better than you"

Chatterbox smirks, trying to hide his pride. "Oh, you think you're better than me, Val? You just got lucky this time." He reaches into his pocket and hands her the winnings. "But a win's a win. Enjoy it while it lasts."

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