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Dezhanae's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing repeatedly

I was too exhausted from crying myself to sleep to even pay attention to the caller ID

"Hello?" I managed to croak out

My throat way dry and my nose was stuffy

"Dez?" I heard a familiar voice ask

I immediately sat up and looked at my phone

The words "my world Champ🏆❤️" were bright as day

"Jayson?" I asked as I put the phone on speaker

"Hey baby, I'm sorry I haven't called. I'm on this stupid ass- I mean lovely island with no cellular service" he said

"I thought it was something I said or did. I-" I started

"I know it must've been hell for you and I'm sorry"

My eyes started to water

"I miss you"

"I miss you too" he chuckled

I knew he was smiling just by the way he laughed

"When are you coming hom- I mean back?" I caught myself

"I'll be home by tomorrow afternoon" he chuckled

I missed hearing him laugh

Hell I missed everything about him

"I hope you weren't too stressed out"

"I wasn't" I lied

"You lying?" He asked

"Yeah!" I laughed

"I really am sorry and when I get home I promise I'm gonna make it up to you" he said

"It's alright, it's not your fault" I sighed

"You pick what you wanna do and I'll make it happen" he said

"You talking to yo girlfriend?" I heard a man ask

"Move Marcus, damn" Jayson scoffed

All I could do was laugh

"Tell her how you sulked like a big ass man child this entire time" the dude said

"They're stressing me out Dez" Jayson huffed

"It's okay, you'll be back soon" I smiled

"Home, I'll be home" he said

I smiled and my heart felt at peace

We talked for 45 more minutes until he had to go

I felt my eyes start to water again

I hate this

"Try to have a little bit of fun before you leave, okay?" I said

"I will. I finally got to talk to you so I can relax now" he chuckled

Again I knew he was smiling just by his tone

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