Where have You Been?

296 22 5

Dezhanae's POV

It's been at least 2 weeks since I found out that Jayson was the mystery man and I've honestly been at peace ever since

Apparently he had been looking for me too which I thought was sweet.

I was actually waiting for him to come pick me up; he asked me to come to the mother of his child's birthday party.

He told me to dress casual so I threw on my pink tracksuit and called it a day

About 5 minutes later I got a text from Jayson telling me that he was outside

I grabbed my phone and my purse before leaving out

"Hey" I smiled as I got in the car

"Hey, did you ever get in contact with Queen?" He asked as I put my seatbelt on

I shook my head

Two days ago Queen did an interview and was asked her opinion on marriage; people didn't like her answer at all and the internet has been having a field day with it

"I still haven't seen the interview, was it really that bad?" Jayson asked as he hit the gas

"It's a case of right message but wrong messenger" I admitted

"What did she say?" He asked

"Something about staying in a relationship for 10 years without a ring. I didn't watch the video; I only saw bits and pieces on Twitter" I shrugged

I honestly didn't care because her relationship is her business and unless she comes to me and tells me something personally then I mind my business

"You sure it's cool for me to be at this Birthday party? It seems a little personal" I asked changing the subject

"I may or may not be using you as a birthday gift" he chuckled


"I told you how Tori likes your music..." He started

I just shook my head already knowing where he was going with this

"Can we at least stop somewhere so I could get her something? I can't show up empty handed"

"Your presence is a present" he said

"Jaysonnnnnnnnnnn" I whined

He took a quick glance at me before rolling his eyes

"Fine" he groaned before switching lanes

I just clapped my hands like a child and sat back

"Did you ever finish that song?" He asked

"I did.." I nodded

"Well let me hear it; I know it's on your phone" he said as he nudged me

I just bit the inside of my cheek

"How about I just send it to you and you can listen to it later?" I offered

"Deal" he nodded as we pulled up to the mall

"What does she like?" I asked as he parked the car

"Fruity scented things, graphic Tees, anything yellow, and food" he shrugged

I nodded and grabbed my purse before getting out the car

I planned on buying a bunch of cute stuff for her even though I've never met her

I basically skipped to the the escalator with my bag in hand

I was supper excited to meet her and I wanted to make a good impression

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