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               Dezhanae's POV

I was laying on my bed and texting Jayson because he finally finished my Hign N Low album; he had a million questions.

His favorite song was DFMU which was odd to me, most women seem to like that one

He asked what inspired me to write it and I gave him the short answer which was "a person"

I still remember the day I wrote it


I tossed and turned all night with each dream being the same

It felt like I couldn't get this dude out of my head

It was a blessing and a curse

Whenever I was awake all I felt was anxiety and paranoia, constantly worried about other people's motives but when I was asleep and I was around him I felt a sense of peace

I knew it wasn't real but in a way I wanted it to be

I looked at the clock and rolled my eyes seeing the time started with a 4

I'm starting to believe that guy put a hex on me or something because I always wake up at the exact same hour after having the same exact dream

I remember asking my mom what that meant if I dreamt of a person and woke up at the same time every day and she told me that me being awake means that person is dreaming of me

Bullshit of course

That would mean the dude would be up until 4 something in the morning every damn day

I sighed and did what I Normally do which was grab a snack and start investigating

I'd go through Facebook and deep dive seeing if I could find the mystery dude

I knew he was friends with Eric but I didn't know his name or what he actually looked like so I'd go down the friends list and go through their pictures hoping that they would've posted themselves at the party

Not to mention that the party was a couple years ago so I be deep in peoples pages

My search always ends up with me finding absolutely nothing so I don't even know why I bothered

I stayed up for the next 4 hours digging around and once again I found nothing

8 am sharp my manager calls me to complain that my deadline is approaching and I still have 4 more songs to add before the album was complete

She ended up sending me a list of beats that I could use

I just sighed and got to work

In the midst of brainstorming I fell asleep

In my dream he was there just like he always was, his face was warped no matter how much I focused on it, and for once he was wearing different clothes.

He had on a black and white tux but I still had on my Halloween costume which I didn't understand at all

We started slow dancing so I took it upon myself to ask him what his name was. He never spoke.. instead he disappeared and I woke up

I decided to get back to work and shift my focus on what was actually in front of me

I listened to the beats a couple more times, picked 4 I liked, and began writing

I decided to put all my feelings on the paper and let them go

Like a glimpse from the past, you conceal the dark
In a frame, you're the poster upon the wall

In my dreams, you the prince and I'm at the ball
Fairytales, I'm not used to them at all

You got me questioning, what have you done to me?

Used to be out of reach
Feel like you're testing me, you're the necessity

Full court press on me
Don't fuck me up, don't let me down
You know I wanna be around

You tug an' warring with my heart
Didn't think it'd ever be so hard

Crazy, I'm letting down my guard
Don't fuck me up, don't let me down

'Cause if it's love, I wanna drown

I need to hear it from your mouth
Can't wait no longer, tell me now
Don't fuck me up, don't let me down

Such a risk, but I'm willing to take a chance
What you think with my heart sitting in your hand?
Gotta learn how to let someone in to hold
It take time, gotta trust who I let control

If you really care for me
Just make sure you're there for me

Feel I'm falling in too deep
That's okay, just rescue me

Let me know what you want from me
Open up, let me in and see, boy
Yeah, I know where I wanna be

Just wanna know what your loving means, oh
Don't fuck me up, don't let me down

I smiled as I finished the song and titled it In too deep but I ended up changing it DFMU weeks later


"Dezzzzz? You still there" I heard Jayson call out which snapped me out of my thoughts

"Yeah, shit. Sorry my mind just wondered off" I apologized

"Oh, I was telling you that I changed my mind about the party. Imma go"

"Queen's been nagging me to go and the whole time she's not even goin" I huffed

"You should come so I'll have somebody to talk to" he said

"The party is tonight, there's no way I'm gonna find an outfit in time"

"The colors for the women are gold and silver, I know you gotta own something like that" he chuckled

"Yeah but it's a flashy event, I don't think I've got any- wait yes I do" I nodded as if he could see me

"It's not gonna be flashy..I seen your friends outfit and between you and me...it's basic and ugly"

I couldn't help but laugh

"Who?" I said as I tried to keep my laughter to myself

"Melo's girl" he stated

"Not too much on my bestie" I laughed

"I'll pick you up if you need me to" he said

"Do you want to?" I asked knowing his house was further than mine and he'd basically be driving in a big circle

"I'm cool with it, I'd rather have you with me so I know you're getting there and back safely"

"Okay, I'll be ready by like 6 since the party starts at 8 and I know it's a long drive" I smiled

"Cool, it's almost 4 so I'll stop taking and let you do what it do" he chuckled

"Alright, later world champ" I said before hanging up

I'd never admit it out loud but I did enjoy talking to him

His voice was...nice?

"Now time for the fun stuff" I said to myself before goin on a hunt for my Diamond dress I kept in the back of my closet

Lord please let this day go by smoothly

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