Ch. 4 BA Bank, Part 1

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MASTERMIND IN KIVOTOS CH 4, BA Bank Part 1: Preplanning

BGM: Payday 2 OST 16. Armed To The Teeth (Anticipation)

A blue van parks by the side of an underpass, the van's engine shuts off. A man in a blue repairman uniform exited out from the driver's side. He surveys the sand covered street noting a cafe, a small retailer of clothes, a building under construction, and a small branch bank. A pair of girls in dark clothes are a good way away. He inspects his silvery coloured Touro Judge before storing it in his holster on his worker's belt. He looked down to his wrist watch, a little before noon: 11:59 AM, Eastern Kivotos Time. He then reached into the van before pulling out...

A bottle of water and a convenience store bento. He quickly checked his watch again, 12:00 PM on the dot.


Bain: Lunch break time.

As Bain sat down on a nearby bench and ate, he thought about his new employers: Bodhi Handymen, a rather casual general repair business located in the D.U. are a (which stood for District of Utnapishtim. Going by his history Knowledge, that was the name of the man who built the Ark in Mesopotamian Myth). The company motto is "Giving you Peace of Mind" repairing pools, basic plumbing, minor electrical work, ventilation maintenance, and basic home renovation that is common within the business.

He was still shocked how easily he got the job last week after the robbery. After finding the ad, he called and conversed with the manager over his altered phone, who requested an in person interview, and after walking for a bit he arrived at the front door. He straightened his clothes, composed himself, and walked into the garage. He did not entirely gambled on this seemingly hand crafted opportunity of housing and a job he was given after arriving in Kivotos...

Bain: Hello? I'm here for the job offer, I called earlier.

A yellow furred Shiba Inu walks out wiping his paws on a rag. He was wearing jean workman overalls and an open jean jacket with a black shirt underneath. He stowed the rag in a side pocket before eyeing up the newcomer.

Wanze: Hello dude, I'm Wanze, the boss dog of "Bodhi Handymen''. You're Michaels yeah?

Bain: Yes, you said that there will be an in person interview here? Sorry about my appearance, you can see I need the job, heh.

Wanze: No problem dude. Alright, let's start. What are you good at?

Bain: Okay, I'm good with computers. I do some programming from time to time. I even built my own rig, but I lost them while traveling to the district. I work well under pressure, good leadership capabilities; I have management skills, good problem solving skills, I have handled heavy machinery before, particularly drills, both handheld and industrial– (Technical Truths are better than lies you have to back up later)

Wanze: Okay, you're hired dude!

Bain: I also– wait, what? Just like that? (Either I'm that good or his expectations aren't the highest)

Wanze: Like I said man, you're hired. I can tell you're being honest by looking at ya, so no need for documentation. To be honest, you're a tad bit overqualified, most of my employees are part-time students and part-time workers, but you'll do fine here. And also...

The Shiba Inu walks beside the new employee and puts a paw on his shoulder... Or attempts to, before compromising on placing a hand on his hip.

Wanze: I feel like you have a bit of a past. Like a sort of shady past.

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