Her Return pt11

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As the days rolled on by Mrs Lovett was becoming stronger each day. She didn't need help to walk anymore and even had discussed with Toby about re opening the shop at some point. Maybe to start off by doing the odd morning and evening but just enough so she could get back on her feet financially. Not only for the money but also because she did love her job, talking with her regulars and even meeting new people was what life was all about and she was beginning to miss it terribly.

She had heard from Johanna that Lucy had moved in with her for a few weeks while things settled. She had to admit the news had surprised her and of course she had wondered what had happened to make her leave in such a hurry. Although she wanted to ask more questions she knew better not to pry too much as clearly Johanna was caught up in the whole ordeal. Then there was Sweeney, she had seen him here and there but not an awful lot. He had seen her just enough to make sure she was comfortable and was being well looked after by Toby and Johanna. There was no denying the fact he had fallen into some kind of depression, she knew he didn't sleep for she could hear him pacing above her at night not to mention the dark circles around his eyes and how he always smelt of alcohol.

Yet she knew better than to pester him. She allowed him to wallow for the few days that Lucy was gone and hoped he would eventually come around on his own. She gathered there had been a falling out of sorts, but again was conscious not to poke the bear so to speak. Her barber would come around on his own, she just had to give him time.

Spending the day baking with Toby had been just like old times and for that she couldn't help the smile on her face now as she finally sat down with a glass of gin about to delve in deep to one of her romantic novels. Lifting her legs up onto the sofa she snuggled in comfortably and began to find her page where she had left off. As time went on by the warmth of the fireplace and the calmness her novel gave her Mrs Lovett hadn't realised it but had drifted off to sleep. That was all until she was awoken by a loud thud from upstairs. She jolted up right her book falling from her lap as she stood quickly only wincing at the pain in her leg after forgetting momentarily that she was still recovering.

"Mum" Toby's voice entered the living room clearly woken by the noise himself. He stood in his bedroom door way wiping his tired eyes which had her smiling softly toward him.

"It's alright love, go back to bed" she assured him despite her heart hammering wondering what on earth had happened upstairs. As Toby nodded slowly he went back to his room and without little hesitation Nellie made her way quickly out of her shop. She yanked her heavy skirts and hurried up the outside staircase as quickly as her leg would allow considering it was still sore.

Flinging the door open she gasped spotting Sweeney slumped drunkly on the floor, glass was shattered around him and empty bottles of whatever alcohol he was able to get his hands on sprawled around the wooden floors. It was a mess.

"Jesus" she breathed looking around at the sorry state of his shop before noticing he was bleeding.

Closing the door in an instant she approached him as fast as she was able. "Just what the hell ave ya done ya silly man" she gasped crouching down with a wince while looking at his arm that had a huge gash.

"Slipped" was all he could mumble as she inspected the gash on his arm. "Hold ya hand down on it while I fetch some dressin" she instructed him taking his other hand in her own and pressing it to his wound as if he wouldn't be able to do it himself.

She was gone for a little while before returning up the indoor staircase with a bowl of warm water, soap and of course all the dressing she could get her hands on.

Still slumped drunkenly on the floor she sighed heavily as she crouched down again to him. "Just look at the state of ya" she mumbled as she began to work on cleaning his wound.

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