Her Return pt16

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"Nell" Sweeney gently nudged the sleeping baker as he tried to wake her.

"Eleanore" she groaned slightly at the voice and began to slowly blink open her eyes to see Sweeney leaning over her. She noticed he was dressed and that behind him was a bag full of his belongings. Suddenly her eyes widened as it hit her! He was leaving today!

"Ya goin' now?" She asked hurriedly pulling herself upright in the bed and pulling the bed sheets up around her naked body as he crouched down to her and nodded before taking her hand.

"The carriage has just pulled up pet, told the driver I needed a minute"

"Why didn't ya wake me" she asked moving her messy main of red hair out of her face looking around the bed for something to slip into yet all her clothes were on the floor. Now she would only get a quick goodbye from him.

"You looked so peaceful, plus you work so hard you need as much rest as you can get...let alone keeping you up all night with our love making" he smirked seeing her cheeks flush a little pink as she remembered last night antics between these very sheets. How they moved, their cries of pleasure the ache she felt between her legs this very morning...


Drawing her from her thoughts of last night she looked at him seeing the amusement in his eyes. Even now she was very disheveled her hair all over the place and her ivory skin littered with reddish marks from the passionate kissing and touching he had afflicted on her body.

"I better go..." he said taking out his pocket watch to see it was almost gone eight.

"Alright love..." there was no denying the sadness to her tone as she reached out to brush her hand against his rough cheek. "Safe journey" she added as he smiled towards her leaning in to kiss her one last time. As he pulled away he pick up his bag off the floor and pressed one last kiss to her forehead.

Watching him go she felt herself sigh sadly. She knew it would only be a few days but they still had only just got engaged, it was all still fresh. She knew very well that once his mind was made up about doing something then he would do it. She also had the same characteristic so it's not like she could ever hold it against him.

Snuggling back down into the sheets she smiled into his side of the pillow where his cologne still lingered. She hugged it tightly against her body and closed her eyes drifting back off to sleep with his smell lingering in her nose.

"Mum!" Her eyes shot back open at the sound of Toby's call from behind the door. So much for getting a lay in.

"Yes love?" She called back still half asleep against the pillow.

"I'm gonna open the shop, will you be out?"

Sighing loudly Nellie shook her head "no rest for the wicked" she muttered to herself before calling back out to Toby.

"Yes love, will be out in a tick! Get ya'self somthin to eat"


Sitting across from her father in the carriage Johanna could tell he was anxious. When she had first sat down they had been chatting a lot and now they were getting closer to Brighton she sensed the change in him. She understood why, and still was very impressed he wanted to make things right with her mother after everything they'd been through together.

There was no denying the fact Johanna felt a great sense of relief now that he had come to his senses and returned back to Nellie Lovett. It had been obvious to her that they were far better suited than he could have ever been to her own mother. She imagined that there was a time her parent's relationship had been beautiful and filled with undying love for one another. But with everything her father had been through, all the trials and tribulations he had faced there was no denying the fact he wouldn't never be the man he once was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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