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About three things I'm absolutely positive. First, I'm quoting Twilight. Second, I don't know why I am quoting Twilight. And third, Luke freaking Brixton is in all my classes! See the word 'all' there? I'm not even exaggerating.

Where did I get that info? Well you see my friend here, Jenna, is an ultimate stalker of the jerk bros so she knows everything about them. Their phone numbers, the cereal that they eat, heck even the sizes of their feet! You name it, she knows it. That is how much of a creeper she is.

She doesn't even deny it. I guess that is one thing you should be proud of? I cringe at that thought.

We are currently in our third period which is Advertising and Jenna is MIA. She said that she'll just grab something to eat cause and I quote "I will turn into Jenzilla if this professor won't shut the fuck up." Apparently, someone hadn't had her breakfast because the café was closed.

I swallowed audibly. Whatever you do Carra, don't look back. Don't. Look. Back. Oh damn, too late because I'm already staring eye-to-eye with a very pissed Luke. Don't get me wrong, he looks hotter when he's being serious and pissed and all but you wouldn't really want to be the reason why he is being mad.

Take it from a girl who's been a target of the whole Universe for a day.

I don't really know why Luke's being a grumpy giant and an ultimate ass. Come to think of it, he is usually a jackass whenever I bumped into him.

Ugh, boys. I will never get them.

I turned around and tried to focus on what our professor was saying. Do you ever had that feeling when someone is staring at the back of your head and you feel that it's penetrating through your whole body? Yeah, well that is what I'm feeling right now. And it's making me fidgety.

It doesn't helped that he kept on tapping his pen on his desk. I'll add annoying to my list of 'Luke Brixton's ultimate jerk list'.

Not that I actually have one, pfft.

It came to the point where my patience just flew in to another planet and suddenly I found myself tearing the pen on Luke's fingers and threw it all across the room. Which, of course, flew all the way to the white board making the professor stop whatever shit he was saying. I'll give myself an A plus for keeping a straight face.

All heads turned into me except Luke who suddenly found his desk interesting, drawing invisible shapes using his index finger.

"Uhm, it slipped?" I shrugged.

Obviously no one believed me because I was sitting at the back of the room but they didn't asked anyway.

I took this opportunity to slid myself to the seat next to Luke and glare at him.

"Nice throw." He said in amusing tone.

Me on the other hand is still glaring at him hoping that it would kill him.

"If you're trying to kill me with that look, you are obviously failing." He said echoing my thoughts.

"No? But I'm getting there." I unconsciously said.

He arched an eyebrow. "Yeah? Tell me.." He faced his body towards me a little, his arm resting on the back of the chair. "...what's going on in that little head of yours?"

"Oh you know. How many ways I can kick your ass." Strike two! One more strike and I'm out. I should really learn how to control what's coming out of my mouth.

I expect Luke to i don't know, throw me across the room also? Like I threw his pen. But he just stared at me then laugh out loud instead.

Once again, we earned everyone's attention and our professor-whoever he is- looks pissed as hell that we interrupted his lesson that everyone is so obviously bored to listen to.

Luke, on the other hand kept on laughing like I have made the funniest joke in the history. Honestly? I don't even know what I did to make him look like a lunatic who just escaped from a mental institution.

His laugh slowly died down and he wiped the tears from the conners of his eyes. "You know that kicking me in the balls would just triple the hate that you are getting right?" He said.

"I do. But I'll take my chances." I hissed.

"Why do girls always want my balls?" He asked.

"To fry them so that you won't reproduce any imbecile like yourself." I retorted.

"That hurts you know." He acted like he's hurt.

"You're such a drama queen."

"Says the girl who went Jackie Chan for a piece of cake."

I faked my shock and placed my hand on my chest. "Mr. Brixton, are you accusing me of being violent?" I shook my head.

Luke tapped his index finger on his chin, "It's more like being a sadist."

Now I am really shocked. I've been called a dozen of names but 'sadist' never crossed me. Am I really that sadistic?

I opened my mouth to say something, then I closed it, then I opened it again. I can't really think of a better come back but, "At least I'm not 'Mr. Grey' kind of sadist."

"I'm pretty sure you're close." He teased.

"Ahh, says the pervert who spy on a woman's window."

"It's not my fault that you are stupid enough not to close your curtains."

"Me? Stupid? You should've closed your eyes!" I hissed and narrowed my eyes to him.

"What am I, 5?" He also narrowed his eyes on me.

"Well for a gigantic piece of bullsh---" I was cut when I heard our professor say something that I never wanted to hear. I turned to Luke, from the looks of it he must have also heard it because he is mirroring my horror.

You are probably wondering what our professor said. It's nothing really, it is just the world turning against me. Again.

So let's recap, while Luke and I are shamelessly-and practically- insulting one another our prof said "The project is making an advertisement.. Blah blah.. Video.. Blah blah." Fast Forward to the more shocking and horrifying news, "It will be by pair. And your current seat mate will be your partner for the rest of the semester."

And because both of us-unfortunately- are drama queens. Yes I admit that I'm a little over dramatic. We shouted "WHAT THE FUCK!?" In unison.

"Both of you, out!" Our professor said pointing to the door.

"With pleasure." Luke regained his grumpy self and started to walk towards the door. He stopped a meter away from the door and looked back to me, "coming, princess?"

I glared at him and followed his steps.

A/N: Missed me? ;)

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