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“HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!” Someone shouted. I sat up almost automatically.  Four silhouettes waltz inside my room.

 I squinted my eyes to see the culprits but the dim light doesn’t contribute much, plus, may I just add that it’s in the middle of the night! C’mon, can’t a girl just get her good night sleep? I’m starting to envy Sleeping Beauty, honestly. Who wouldn’t right? I mean, she can sleep all she wants and still look pretty and in the end she gets to have her prince charming.

 Don’t get me wrong I tried to oversleep once, and what does it got me? A freaking drool on my face that soon became a map of the world before the continental drift occurred.

I raised my hands in surrender. “Hands where I can I truly see them.” The boy said again.

 “Dude, open the lights so we can see her.” Another boy said. I rolled my eyes at them. Well, no shit.

 “Open the fucking lights, bro.”

 “Ow! That’s my foot!”

 “Where’s that stupid switch, ugh!

 I took this opportunity to swiftly get off my bed to run for my life, away from these weirdoes. I tip-toe my way to the door. I peek through my window and my eyes widen. You have got to be kidding me. There’s a blue and red light flashing outside. The ones like the police have on top of their cars. These guys are insane! Three huge steps more to my freedom. As if on cue, light bursts into my room, blinding me.

 “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” My jaw dropped as I looked at the boys who rudely interrupted my beauty sleep. Hot is an understatement for these awestrucking creatures! I mean, they look like they were photoshoped to perfection. “It’s a girl!” He shouted and everyone from the outside cheered.

 I might looked stupid because they're all flashing their annoying boy grin at me showing off they’re perfect white teeth.

 I straightened up and cleared my throat. “What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?” After a minute that feels like an eternity, I managed to speak up.

 “Honestly speaking, it’s ten fifty-five so it’s technically not the middle of night yet.” The boy with the jet black hair slowly said as if he was talking to a three years old.

 “Can you please just leave so I can go back to sleep?” I sighed.

 “Ooh, princess wants her beauty sleep back.” The boy with the perfectly brushed up hairdo said. I'm fighting the urge to touch his hair to see if it's really that soft as it looks like. Seriously, what is it with boys and their hair? I have no idea.

 I can feel my cheeks heat up as they laugh at my embarrassment. Gosh, what did I ever do to deserve this?

 “Don’t worry babe, we’re just here for a little house warming.” The guy with the beanie said, then winked at me. Ugh.

 I raised an eyebrow? “A what?” I shrieked. I'm starting to get annoyed by this pack of hot weirdoes.

A guy in the black muscle shirt steps forward with an annoying smirk on his face. His biceps shows every time he steps then stopped in front of me. Ugh! I’m not done checking him out yet! Hey, don’t judge. It’s not every day that a group of hot guys barge in to your house. You can’t really blame me.

 “You see, strawberry. Our fraternity house just happens to be beside yours. And we saw that you just moved here, so I guess we’re neighbors right?" He announced while wiggling his eyebrows at me. "The point is, we just drop by to say ‘hi’.” He said then flashed an eye-stabbing smile.

 I crossed my arms to my chest. “Right. Now leave before I call the cops.” I answered, trying hard to be scary while I give them my I'll-kick-the-living-shits-out-of-you-weirdoes-if-you-don't-leave-now stare.

 He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay.” They wave me goodbye before turning their heels to the door. “Oh, and by the way.. Nice underwear.” Muscle-tank guy said then run.

 I stared at the door, confused for a while. Not until when I slowly look down to my clothes. Great, I forgot that I don’t wear my sweatpants to sleep.

 And my strawberry underwear is in a clear view. Double Great.



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