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There are a lot of 'I never's' that happened to me since I got here in Roosevelt U. Like I never had boys inside my bedroom, heck I never even talk to the opposite sex, especially the hot ones. I never ever blush in front of a boy.

What makes that jerk so special?

The guy saw me in my underwear. Not once, but twice. Don't blame me with my conservatism, blame my mom who practically turned me into a nun. Zoe said that I had a killer body, but I highly doubt it. And now that he saw me half-naked, I feel that I've been eye-raped. I need to cleanse myself with holy water!

Well that and the truth that he is in fact, Luke Brixton.

Yes, he's like Jacob-Black-Kind of hot and let's face it, the guy looks like he sprung out of a men's magazine, Underwear edition.

But I barely knew him and he sure as hell annoys me.

It took me half an hour to find the Cafe. It's the school's canteen but they named it Cafe for the sake of formality, I guess. It kinda looks an Italian Restaurant with the brickworks and rows of picture windows. The glass doors automatically opened as soon as I stand in front of them.


The interior is as awestrucking as its exterior. The walls are also covered with pseudo masonry that makes it looks like its vintage. Crystal chandeliers hang ostentatiously on the wooden ceiling, the room sparkles as the lights hits them even though it is still daytime. There are four men playing classical pieces with various instruments at the farthest corner. Needless to say: The Cafe looks majestic and elegant.

I almost feel out of place, until my eyes landed on Jenna. She was sitting at a table near the window, she smiled and wave at me to come. Even from a far, I can see her blue ocean eyes glinting with a mixture of coldness and warmness. Like they're masking a secret.

Whatever it is, I will find out.

"Hi." I said surprisingly cheerfully once I reached her.

"Why, so nice of you to finally join me." She said dryly but her eyes dances in amusement. "You were supposed to meet me thirty minutes ago."

"I got lost, no thanks to you." I slid to the chair across her.

Her eyebrow shoots up. "I remember telling you that it's just beside the field." She said slowly like she was talking to a retarded baby.

"Oh, you did." I fake gasp. "But I don't remember you telling me that there are three fields!" I barked.

"Oh, yeah I forgot." She gave me a flashy grin with her pearly white teeth that will put people with dental obsession in shame. "Anyway, since you made me wait, you have to buy me lunch." She handed me money that I'm sure is more than enough for her lunch.

I glared at her before snatching the cash from her hand and stroll to the counter. My eyes almost fell out and my mouth hangs open as I stare at the international buffet in front of me. I probably look like a kid in a candy store, but who cares! I love food!

I don't really know what kind of food does Jenna wants - and I'm guessing that she has this weird girly diet even though she's not that girly, I mean C'mon, she's a Goth- so I just ordered a Bolognese Pasta and a vegan salad. After stuffing another tray with a beef burger, two slices of Hawaiian pizza, fries and a soda, I moved to the counter to pay until I saw a slice of red velvet cake lying on a gold platter beside the counter.

Suddenly there are no people, no international food, nor a Cafe. Just me and the cake. I inched my hand to the cake, purposely in slow-mo so I won't ruin the moment. I can barely hear people complaining about what's taking me so long but I choose to ignore it.

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