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New day, new beginning. Ha! Note the sarcasm people! After our little "food fight" in Mcdonald's, Jenna and I decided to call it a day and drove me home because let's face it, even I don't want to go back to school after what happened. Might as well burry myself in shame. Forever.

It's only been the start of the school year and I already made enemies. Not one, but a whole pack of those fraternity jerks. Okay so they have perfectly carved bodies, not to mention those buns sculpted on their stomachs. And they all look like children of Aprodithe but who cares?

Apparently the entire world.

But not me. You know why? Because. I. Am Carra Ander-- "SON OF A BITCH!" I cursed.

I stomped on my porch-yes before you react, my shack/ shed or whatever your want to call it has a porch, thank heavens-through the spot of my car.

I forgot to buy a gas for Shelly, my car, and here I am, carless. Again.

Guess I have to walk to school.. AGAIN!

I sighed. I know that I am out of shape and in dire need of an exercise. But walking? Pfft, please I'd rather crawl.

"Ughh! Fuck you Shelly!" I shouted in frustration. And flipped the bird to my car.

"Whoa! Who let the nerd bitch out?" Someone said in a teasing tone.

I turned around quickly and found one of the most annoying faces I've ever seen so far.

James Alexander Cavanaugh.

He was sitting comfortably in his matte yellow Lamborghini Aventador that literally made my jaw drop.

I shook my head quickly regained my composure. "Don't call me that!" I said clearing my throat.

"Why not? Nerd bitch." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I sighed. "You know what? Forget it. I have other important things to do rather than talking to you." I said flatly then started to walk in agony.

James catch up and looking at me with his smug smile. "Like what? Being a nerd? Bitch."

Okay clearly he's playing me. So what do I do? Simple: ignore the whore.

So I ignore his presence and continued with my death march.

Fifteen minutes had passed and I still haven't even exited the village yet. Not to mention James-ass presence is still beside me. I'm so close of popping a vein on my forehead if this annoying jerk won't leave me alone.

I quicken my phase and the car did the same. I tried to have another route but the University is just straight ahead so I don't have much of a choice.

"What do you want!?" I said containing my anger.

"Nothing." He simply replied.

I glared at him and started to walk again. "Hop on, nerd bitch. We're going to be late."

"No thanks." I said coldly.

"Awww, nerd bitch. Is that how you treat your friends?" He pouted and looked at me like he was hurt. Okay so the pouty look looks damn hot but I am not going to give up just because he looks like a puppy! In a good way.

"We are not friends!"

"Who said that we are?" He raised an eyebrow, confused.

I sighed in frustration. What did I do to deserve this!?

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Look just hop on so we can go on with our lives."

Surprisingly, I did what he said. Because my feet freaking hurts already. And it's only five minutes 'til the bell rings!

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