Chapter 6

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Mike's POV

I'm at the Byers' new place, helping Will hang up some posters.

All of the sudden, the lights dim, and I get the same weird feeling in my stomach that I felt earlier. With that comes a sudden urge. It feels illegal, mainly because it is, but the urge is too strong to care.

I walk over to Will, and look him in the eyes. I cup my hands around his head, and kiss him softly. The feeling becomes 10 times stronger. Will kisses me back, pinning me up against a wall, with his lips smashing into mine.

It feels so wrong, but at the same time, it couldn't feel more right. He slips his hands under my shirt, and I feel like I could die.

His lips taste incredible, and one could say he has magic hands. I never want this to end.

I jolt awake. What the fuck was that dream? I don't like Will like that—I'm not gay! Right? But then why did it feel so good?

I think there's something wrong with me. Why would I have that dream? And why would I like it? I mean, I don't have a crush on Will. I love El, she's amazing, and gorgeous, and kind. Right?

I look at the clock, and it is 2:56 in the morning. I really just want to go back to sleep and forget about this dream, but I doubt that I'll fall asleep after that.

The weird thing is, I've never felt anything kissing El, but in my dream, each kiss felt like a million fireworks all going off at once. But that was just a dream, and dreams aren't real. Right?


I sit at the breakfast table with my parents and sisters. I keep drifting in and out of half-sleep, probably because I've been up since 3 in the morning.

"How'd you all sleep last night?" My mom asks.

"Fine," Nancy replies.

"Great! I had a dream that we got a puppy!" Holly exclaims.

"Mike, how about you?" Mom asks.

"Oh, I slept fine," I say, yawning.

I quickly finish my breakfast, and go back up to my room. I told Will that I would come over and help him unpack, so I should probably get dressed.

I put on a pair of black jeans and a blue shirt with small yellow stripes. I brush my teeth, splash my face with water, and comb my hair. I spend 10 minutes making sure my hair looks good before I call Will. I'm trying to look good for El, or so I want to believe.

"Hey Will!" I say, "what time do you want me to come over?"

"You can come over for lunch if you want. Maybe in 2 or 3 hours."

"Alright see you then."


I hang up the phone and start working on a new D&D campaign. I haven't played since Eddie's death, but I was hoping Will and the rest of the party would want to play again.


It is 11:00 now, so I hop on my bike and ride over to Will's.

I ring the doorbell and hope Will answers, but instead it's El. To my surprise, she doesn't kiss me.

"Can I talk to you?" She asks me.

I nod. "Yea, uh, is something wrong?"

"I don't think you love me anymore," she whispers.

"W-w-what?!" I stammer, "that's bullshit, of course I love you." I mean, I think I love her, or at least I want to.

"You always say that, but I think you're lying. We'd be better off as friends."

"Oh, um, ok." I stutter. "So, just friends?"

She nods.

I know I'm supposed to be upset, but I'm not. I feel bad that I hurt El, but if anything else, I'm honestly relieved. I just hope I don't get pressured to try and win her back.

I head upstairs to Will's room, and knock on the door. He greets me with a hug, and that weird feeling in my stomach returns. I suddenly remember the way it felt to kiss him in my dream last night. Is that why I get that weird feeling when I'm around him? I don't have feelings for him. I'm not gay, it's wrong. Right?

"So, how are you?" Will asks.

"I'm ok, I mean, El just broke up with me. But I'm ok," I reply.

"Are you sure you're ok? I know you loved her. You can talk to me," he says, with a look of empathy on his face.

"No, I mean it. I'm ok. I'm honestly kind of relieved," I sigh.

"Really? What do you mean you're relieved?" Will's face perks up as he says this.

"All she ever wanted to do was make out, and we never even talked to each other," I explain.

Will nods, understanding.

"Want me to help unpack?" I ask.

"Yeah," Will replies.

We hang up a few band posters in his wall, as well as a cork board to display some of his artwork, and we put away his clothes.

"Boys! Lunch is ready!" Joyce yells.

"Coming!" Will and I respond in unison, and head downstairs.

We sit down, and begin eating the salad and sandwiches that Joyce made.

I glance over at El, who appears to be upset, and isn't talking to anyone. I feel bad for not being upset about her breaking up with me, but it's hard to be sad when I never felt anything when I was with her.

Will and I finish eating, and head back up to his room. I've been meaning to ask him about last night; he looked like he had been crying when him and Jonathan came downstairs, 10 minutes after everyone else.

"Hey, you looked upset last night. What was that about?" I ask him.

He looks confused. He probably just doesn't want to talk about it. Either way, I want to get it out of him.

"You and Jonathan were late to dinner. I was thinking maybe you guys were talking about something, and you looked like you had been crying when you came downstairs." I explain.

"Oh, um, yea, we were just talking." Will says defensively.

"About what?"

"Oh, just stuff."

"Will, you can tell me. I won't judge you." I say, putting my hand on his. The weird feeling comes back. What is that supposed to mean?

"What if I told you I was a criminal?" Will asks.

"Wait what? Did you murder someone?!" I exclaim. What does he mean he's a criminal? I said I won't judge him, but that might be a lie depending on what crime he committed.

He shakes his head, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.

"No, um, I-I-I didn't murder anyone," he whispers.

What the fuck did he do? Why is he crying?

"You can tell me," I whisper in response.

"Um-uh-I-I-I'm g-g," he stutters. I think I might know what he is about to say, and to say the least, it's not what I thought he meant when he said criminal.

"I'm gay," he says, as tears begin rapidly falling down is cheeks.

How do you think Mike will react? Let me know your predictions in the comment section. Thank you so much for reading this!

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