Chapter 14

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Mike's POV

"Can you guys hear me? It's Will, there is a code red," I hear coming from my Walkie. I run over to my desk to grab it, and immediately answer.

"Will, it's Mike, what's wrong?" I ask in a panic. Something clearly happened—Did he have a vision? Did his dad come back or something?

"Vecna. H-h-he's back," Will stutters, his voice cracking in fear.

"Wait, what? What do you mean he's back?" I exclaim. I thought we were done with all of this, but I should've known better. A long as Vecna is alive, he will be after us.

"I-I-I had a headache earlier, and I thought I was overthinking it when I thought it was Vecna, b-b-but then my nose started bleeding. I need you come over, now!" He says, breathing heavily, sounding as though he is on the verge of tears.

"I'm on my way!" I announce, running downstairs as fast as my legs will carry me.

"Michael, where do you think you're going?" My mom asks, a stern tone to her voice.

"I need to go to Will's, it's an emergency!" I yell, and sprint outside, getting on my bike, completely ignoring anything my mom says.

My heart starts racing more and more with every inch closer I get to Will's. There's no saying how much time we have until he starts getting visions, and then after that, there's no saying how long we have until Vecna tries to kill him.

I arrive to Will's house, and immediately stumble off my bike, banging on the door. The second I see Will, I wrap my arms around him, pulling him as close as I can. My mind goes to his lips, and how much I want to kiss him. But I don't, because I notice Joyce and Jonathan sitting on the couch, in full eyeshot. I know that both of them know about us, but I'm scared of them seeing us kiss. I'm not really sure why.

"Hey Mike," Joyce says, her normally comforting voice full of concern.

"Hey," I reply, and sit down on the couch next to Will.

"Nancy's not with you?" Jonathan asks me.

"Um, no. Was I supposed to bring her?" I ask.

"No, but I called her and she said she'd come over. I figured you two would be together," he says.

"Is the rest of the party coming?" I wonder aloud.

"Yeah they said they're on their way, and Lucas is bringing Erica too," He replies.

"Oh great, so I can be sassed by a 12 year old girl," I joke, trying to lighten the mood, but my nervousness remaining the same.

"Where's El when we need her?" Will groans.

"Hopefully she comes back tomorrow, knowing more about her powers," Joyce sighs.

Will touches his hand to mine, interlocking our fingers. My stomach fills with butterflies, and I panic for a second. What if someone sees us? But then I quickly remember. The only people here are Joyce and Jonathan, and both of them are well aware of us—and they unfortunately know we've done worse than just hold hands.

The doorbell rings, and Joyce goes to open the door. A stampede of people all walk in at once, making the living room feel extremely tight.

"What's going on here?" Dustin suggestively asks, pointing to Will and I. Panic courses through my veins as I realize that our fingers are still intertwined. I quickly pull my hand away, and move several inches further from Will.

"Huh? What?" I ask, pretending like Dustin didn't just catch me holding hands with Will. My face is hot and flushed with red. He probably suspects us now.

Dustin glances between Will and I, and just shakes his head. "There's more important stuff to worry about right now," He mutters, and sits down along with everyone else that arrived: Lucas, Erica, Nancy, Steve, and Robin.

Did anyone else see us holding hands? There's no way these people would still be my friends if they knew the truth.

Hi! It's been a while since I've updated, and I'm sorry about that. I've had a lot of writer's block lately. School starts in 2 days for me, so updates will probably become even less frequent. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10 ⏰

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