Part one; the mistake

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Background: Lucy was still Tim's rookie and it's a few weeks after Lucy got abducted.

Tim and Lucy sat in the roll call room "Okay so the night- shift did their job for once so go out there and find trouble" Grey said "Go get the bagg's Boot" Tim said "Yes sir" She said and set up the shop. They had a slow day and it was almost end of shift.. "7 Adam-19 switch to channel 11 please" They heard Grey say over the radio, they did as they were told.

"What's up?" Tim said "Bradford, you know Darrell Solis right?" Grey asked "Yeah, we went to highschool together" He replied "Yeah, so he has not been seen for a few days, will you go and check on him?" Grey asked "yeah of course, copy that" Tim replied. "So were you guys close?" Lucy asked "We don't call it close but yeah we were buddy's" Tim replied and Lucy smiled.

They got to Darrell's apartment. Lucy knocked "Mr Solis, we are the police open up" Lucy said, they waited a few minutes. Still no answer but just as Tim was about to kick the door in Darrell opened the door "Tim, it's good to see you man" He said as he dabbed up Tim "Yeah man, long time no see!" He said back. "Didn't know you had such a hot partner, man?" He said and laughed.

"Mr Solis, some people were concerned about you, saying they had not seen you in a few days" Lucy said, ignoring the comment "And feisty, have you married her already?" He commented and Tim sighed "Man, can we just come in?" "Yeah sure, I got nothing to hide" He replied and they walked in. When Lucy passed Darrell he stroked her shoulder on purpose, while standing close to her. Tim saw the thing "Darrell, please stand back" He asked and Darrell stood back "Okay so where have you been these past few days?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, I am going through a break up so mostly just sitting on the soda or in bed" He replied "I'm sorry to hear that." Tim said "Thanks" he said back "Okay, so we just need to do a quick house search and then we will be on our way" Lucy said "Yeah, of course no problem" He replied "Okay, you stay with him and i'll do the search" Tim said "Can't you stay with him?" Lucy asked, obviously being uncomfortable with him "No boot, stay with him" He replied.

And he went upstairs. "So you're his boot?" Darrell started "correct" Lucy replied "So are you single?" Darrell said while stepping closer to her "That's not any of your concerns, and please step back" she replied "So you are single?" He said and was still coming closer to her "Please step back, I am not going to ask again" Lucy said "don't be so boring" he said "Step back, now or I will have to use reasonable force" Lucy said but Darrell reached out and grabbed her breasts and tried to kiss her.

Lucy kicked him in his stomach and threw him to the ground. She handcuffed him "Darrell Solis you are under arrest for assault on a police officer" Lucy said and clicked her body cam on, she started reading him his rights when Tim came down "Okay, so everything was oka- What are you doing Chen?" He said "I'm arresting him for assault on a police officer, He-" Lucy tried to say but Tim cut her off .

"Is this about the push?!, let him go" Tim said "No, sir when you wer-" She tried again "Let him go Chen" he said "Yes sir" she replied and uncuffed him "I'm sorry man, she has been through some trauma" Tim said and Lucy was shocked, how can he say that?!. "It's fine man, thanks for checking up on me" He said and gave Lucy a smirk. Tim and Lucy left. "What was that?" Lucy asked when they got back into the shop.

"What was what?" Tim asked "Why did you brush me off and didn't even let me finish my sentences?" she asked annoyed "You misjudged him, that push didn't mean anything and you were in the wrong for arresting him" Tim said back angrily "No, you didn't hear me out, it wasn't about the push!" Lucy said, raising her voice "Okay so what was it about then?" Tim asked.

"When you left he touched me even after I told him multiple times to stand back and then he tried to kiss me" Lucy said "Lucy, he isn't like that" Tim said not believing Lucy "Are you calling me a liar, why don't you trust me?" Lucy spit out in disbelief "Look, your only a rookie and I think you just misjudged okay" Tim said and Lucy looked defeated "I've known Darrell my whole life and-" Tim said but Lucy cut him off.

"You saw how he treated me at the door, why don't you believe me?!" Lucy said "This conversation is over, let's head back to the station" Tim said and they left. *at the station*. Lucy put the war bags away "Hey Lucy, how are you?" Nyla said as she walked past her but Lucy didn't respond so she stopped "Lucy?" She added "O sorry, yeah I'm fine" Lucy responded and at that point they saw Tim walking to the exit.

"Will you excuse me please?" Lucy said and she walked to Tim, Nyla found it a bit odd so she walked with her "Why don't you trust me?" Lucy said as she stopped him in his tracks "Excuse me?" He said looking at her as she was visibly angry "Do you think I'm lying?!" She said "You do not get to talk to me like that officer Chen" Tim said raising his voice, the conversation raised some attention. "You're right, but here I am so answer my questions" Lucy said and Nyla was taken aback by her directness.

"I take you seriously Chen, but I can't judge if you are being honest on that subject" Tim said, at that moment Angela and Jackson came back from patrol and walked into the conversation "Why, why would I lie about something like that?!" Lucy responded angrily "After Caleb you-" Tim tries "NO, no you don't get to include that, Caleb had NOTHING to do with my arrest. you know that I would never lie to you" Lucy said to him.

"Look, I get that after Caleb you are more observant towards other men but we can't arrest people on some flirting" Tim said back "HE ASSAULTED ME" Lucy almost screamed "You weren't there and you feel so good about your buddy that you cant even see anything else" Lucy said.

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