Part five; in a million pieces

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"Jason, was the captain, I didn't know that?" Grey asked "Yeah, he was, for a long time but after Lucy ha-" Adam said but stopped, knowing that she wouldn't want him telling them about Jenna "He just needed some more time off and decided to demote" He finished and Grey frowned "Lucy is the strongest person I know but.. I don't know how she's going to take it" Adam admitted and everyone's heart shattered "How did they meet?" Angela asked carefully and Adam smiled.

"At a bar, the whole FBI crew was with and Lucy did her karaoke thing" He said and everyone looked up, while Jackson and Nolan smiled "Yeah, she's got the charms" Jackson added and Adam grinned "She was singing when some guy tried to grab her but she kicked him in the face and threw him off the podium, broke his arm in 3 places" Adam said while grinning and everyone smiled "That also sounds like her" Nyla added "and 3 years later they were married" Adam added and smiled.

"the FBI is a tight knit family so she's kind off a part of us" he added and Grey smiled "Yeah we get that" he replied "Who is Jenna, If I am not overstepping?" Grey asked and Adam looked at him puzzled. "I'm sorry she told you about Jenna, but not that she's married?" Adam asked confused "No, her name fell once but I have no Idea who she is" Grey replied while frowning and Adam took a moment to respond "O, well ehmm I'm sorry that is not really my place to tell, I'd rather let you talk to her about that" Adam responded.

"Yeah, ofcourse" Grey replied and everyone felt a little uneasy "Okay, so I have to go but please if there's any questions or anything call me" Adam added and handed Grey his card "Will do, thank you for speaking with us, It means a lot" Grey replied and Adam nodded and walked out. Everyone just sat still not moving, just taking it all in "W- what do we do?" Nolan asked after a few minutes of sorrow "I don't know, ever lost a husband?" Grey asked as he just didn't know what to say.

"Jezus" Tim spat out as he was trying to hold his posture "Do we talk to her or leave her alone or" Angela asked "Well, let's just leave her alone for now and get out on patrol, we'll deal with this later" Grey added "You're riding alone Bradford" He added and everyone left. "What do I do with Jenna Jack?!" "I can't raise a two year old alone" Lucy added as they walked out of the station "Hey, you do not worry about that right now, we are going to help you alright" Jack replied but Lucy remained silent, her mind consumed by the unbearable weight of her grief.

How could she navigate the task of raising her daughter alone, when her own heart felt shattered into a million pieces? They drove to the safe house to pick up Jenna "Hey, baby girl," Lucy whispered softly, her voice laced with love and sorrow. "Mommy!" Jenna's cry pierced the air, her small arms reaching out desperately for the comfort of her mother's embrace. Lucy held Jenna close, offering her warmth and reassurance in the midst of her own grief. But Jenna's innocent question broke the fragile silence "Where's daddy?" Jenna's voice was filled with innocence and curiosity, unaware of the devastating truth that lay behind her question.

But Lucy remained silent, unable to find the words to explain the unbearable reality to her young daughter. Instead, she held Jenna tighter as Jenna's sobs gradually subsided, exhaustion claimed her small frame, and she drifted into a restless sleep in her mother's embrace. "Aren't you going to te-" Jack asked, looking at them "I can't okay, but I will just not now" Lucy snapped back, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Let's get her home" Lucy added and Ben drove Lucy home "Are you sure you're going to be fine?" Ben asked as they walked her up to her apartment "I don't know, but now I need to take care of her so I can't worry about myself right now" Lucy admitted "We could take her, then you don't have to worry about her?" Jack offered but Lucy shook her head "She didn't get to see me for two weeks, I need to be here for her" Lucy added and they both nodded.

"Alright, call us please" Ben said as she gave Lucy a kiss on the cheek and one on Jenna's small head "If there's anything" Jack added and gave her a peck on the cheek "I'll see you soon my little angel" he added as he gave Jenna kiss on her head "call us if you need anything okay?" He added and Lucy teared up "it's going to be alright" jack added, giving her a final hug while taking her gun and taser "I know you would never but better safe than sorry okay" He quickly explained his movements apologetically and Lucy nodded "Alright, thank you I'll call" Lucy replied just above a whisper trying not to wake Jenna up who was still sleeping in her arms and got in her apartment as Ben and Jack left.

Grey heard a knock at his door as he was zoned out, thinking about Lucy's situation "Come in" He said and looked up to see Ben and Jack, he shot up "H- How is she, did something happen?" He asked worried "We just came by to drop these off, she would never but I just didn't want to take any risks" Jack replied looking defeated and handed him Lucy's gun and taser.

"O yeah, of course, thank you" Grey added "Look, I get that Lucy is just a rookie but if there a way that she can get some days off, it would be appreciated" Ben added and Grey frowned "Ofcourse, she's family and a part of her's died, she is getting all of the time she needs okay" Grey added and Ben nodded "How is she?" Grey asked carefully "N- not so great, but she's a strong woman so I'm sure she's going to be alright, just give her some time." Jack replied and Grey nodded "Ofcourse" He replied.

"Is there anything we can do?" Grey added worried about her "Just give her some time, she's got a lot on her plate but she'll get through it" Ben replied "Me and Tim were thinking about dropping by after work, Is that a good idea?" Grey asked and Ben and Jack looked at eachother "Honestly, I don't think that's the best idea, knowing Lucy she would rather come to you talking about her past" Ben replied and Grey nodded "Ofcourse" Grey added and Ben and Jack left, leaving Grey with even more questions.

As the day wore on, Lucy remained lost in a haze of grief and sorrow, her mind adrift in a sea of painful memories. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she sat in the dimly lit living room, while Jenna slept in her arms, exhausted. As Jenna started to wake up from her nap Lucy was still zoned out, it was until Jenna started crying that she snapped out of her thoughts "Hey baby" Lucy said as she stood up and started rocking her "Where's daddy?" "I want to see daddy" Lucy's heart constricted with pain at Jenna's innocent question, her own grief mirrored in her daughter's longing for her father.

With trembling hands, she gently placed Jenna down on the kitchen table, her tears flowing freely as she struggled to find the words to explain the heartbreaking truth. "Okay, baby," Lucy began, her voice thick with emotion as she leaned against the table "This is going to be very hard, but daddy is not coming back." Jenna's eyes widened in confusion and she just stared at Lucy.

Lucy's heart shattered into a million pieces as she watched Jenna's expression shift from confusion to realization, her innocent understanding of the world forever altered by the absence of her father. With tears streaming down her face, Lucy gently cupped Jenna's cheeks in her hands, her own eyes mirroring the same shade of brown as her daughter's. "I know, baby," Lucy whispered softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "But not this time." "No, no, daddy will come back," Jenna insisted, her voice quivering with desperation as she clung to the hope that her father would return.

The innocence of her belief tugged at Lucy's heartstrings, reminding her of the fragility of childhood innocence in the face of life's harsh realities. "I'm so sorry, baby," Lucy whispered, her voice choked with emotion as she rocked Jenna gently back and forth, attempting to soothe her distraught daughter.

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