S01E014: Suited for Success

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Fade into the exterior of the Carousel Boutique during the day.

RARITY (FROM INSIDE): Oh, Opalescence...

Cut to a close-up of a levitating sketch that depicts her in an elaborate gown, necklace, earrings, and tiara, with her mane loosely tied and hanging to one side. The head and forelegs of one of her mannequins can be seen beyond the paper's edge.

RARITY (OFFSCREEN): ...can't you just picture it? (backing it away, stepping into view) Moi, stepping out in a stunning new gown at the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot!

The motion of the paper exposes the mannequin, which has a length of magenta cloth draped over its back; napping on this is a fluffy white cat with violet eyeshadow and a darker bow, matching Rarity's mane, in one tuft of hair atop her head. This is Opalescence, or Opal for short. Rarity's words wake her up; she yawns and stretches, revealing a jeweled purple collar, and Rarity yanks the cloth away to dump her onto the ground. After a short bounce and startled meow, Opal walks across the floor. The décor does not match that of the ground floor, marking this scene as taking place on the upper story.

Rarity, meanwhile, has loosely wrapped the cloth around herself and is lost in the moment. Zoom in on her.

RARITY: Why, yes, I did make it myself. Thank you so much for asking.

As she bats her eyes and pouts prettily for the camera, Opal settles down on a free corner to resume her nap but finds herself being dragged offscreen in short order. She jumps off and walks away with a grumble. The reason for this interruption is that Rarity has begun to run the cloth through an antique sewing machine. She has put on a pair of red-framed, tinted reading glasses and will wear them until further notice.

RARITY: Oh, Opal, of course you can help me. Thank you.

The cat is promptly set on a tabletop and gets a pincushion put in her mouth; she voices a discontented meow around it. Cut to Rarity; behind her is a rack loaded with bolts of fabric, as well as a bulletin board with notes tacked up.

RARITY: What's that? You want to help me more. 

Rarity levitates various supplies.

RARITY: Oh, aren't you the sweetest thing.

They sail toward Opal, who mews bemusedly as she suddenly finds herself balancing glue, scissors, measuring tape, and spools of thread on every available body part. Zoom out; Rarity has gone to work, stitching cloth over the mannequin to follow the floating sketch.

RARITY: Careful, now. Don't move. 

Rarity pulls the stitches tight. 

RARITY: This shouldn't take long at all.

Cut to a close-up of Opal, zooming in as she grumbles and tries to balance, then fade to black.

Fade into the exterior of the Carousel Boutique. Zoom in toward the upper story, then cut to inside its closed door. A knock is followed by its opening; Applejack is on the other side, followed by Twilight Sparkle.

APPLEJACK: Howdy, Rarity! 

They walk in.


Quick pan to Rarity, still working on the dress design. It now shows darker magenta trim and lighter material for the chest and forelegs; the skirt has been built up in layers.

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