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Nabi's POV

My eyes flutter open as I attempt to adjust to the sudden light. As I slowly regain consciousness, I feel a pounding headache take over, causing me to groan in pain. I close my eyes again as I wait for the pain to subside. 

After what feels like an eternity, the sharp aches begin to dull. I cautiously reopen my eyes, blinking against the lingering brightness. As my vision adjusts, I take time to observe my surroundings, trying to figure out where I am. 

There's a single bed beside me, yet I've been left on a hard cold floor. I continue looking around, and notice that the room is fairly empty and is bereft of any windows. The only light in the room comes from a single flickering bulb hanging above. I attempt to stand up, only to realize that both of my feet are tied together and my hands are bound to the wall behind me.

 I feel my heart beat quicken as I begin to panic. I look around the room frantically, trying to find a way to get out of this position. Then I notice something- or rather someone -that I hadn't before. There's a man sitting in the corner of the room, watching me quietly. Our eyes meet, and he smiles at me. It's a crooked smile, a rather creepy one actually. The man stands up, then slowly makes his way towards me. I find myself backing up as much as I can, which is not far since there is a wall preventing me from going anywhere. 

He bends down in front of me, saying nothing the entire time, just watching me. I observe the unknown man's face. His features were sharp, most noticeably his jawline. His eyes were dark and soulless, holding no emotion. He remains silent, and I wonder why he brought me here if he had no intention of speaking to me.

After gathering up the courage, I finally take the opportunity to say something. "Who are you?"

The man's smile widens slightly at the question, but he still doesn't answer immediately. He stares into my eyes, then moves down to look at my lips, before answering. "Who I am doesn't matter."

"Why-why am I here?"

"Why are you here?" His smile widens, and the look of it riles me. All I want to do is smack that wicked smile right off of his face. "You're here because I want you to be mine."

"W-w-what did you just say?"

Before he can answer, the door opens and another man walks in. "Jay, have you-" he pauses when he lays eyes on me. "Oh, she's finally awake."

"You interrupted us," the man, who I now know is named Jay, responds irritably. 

The other man doesn't answer, choosing to observe me instead. I feel his eyes gaze up and down, fully taking the sight of me in.

"She's a pretty thing, isn't she?" Jay says, stroking my chin. His touch makes me flinch, and I see a bit of disappointment flash behind his eyes, before he returns to being emotionless. 

"Yes...very pretty."

The tension in the room was palpable as the second man continues to stare at me with unsettling intensity. His gaze felt like a physical weight, making my skin crawl. I shift uncomfortably against the wall, feeling exposed and vulnerable under their scrutiny. 

"I need to talk to you," the other man spoke up. Jay nodded, and he stands up, making his way out of the room. 

I let out a breath of relief once they leave the room, no longer able to handle their piercing stares. I look at my bound hands and feet and realization of the situation I'm in strikes me. Where am I? Why am I here? What do these men want from me? 

My mind goes through every possibility for why I've been kidnapped and brought here. Maybe I'm a hostage for money? But who do they want money from? Would anybody care enough to pay money to set me free?

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