Its a Date!..ish.

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S0000… I’ve been watching a lot of anime and well… guess where they are going on a date? 

Also this is set when Friday comes back in Bitter Enemies, and I really wanted to include the houseboaters, though no one voted for it :(, but still I thought it’d be cute.

Hope you enjoy!

The whole school was a buzz with Friday’s return, but none more than the Houseboaters. After almost dying at camp, the name had kinda stuck so they decided to embrace it. The same went with the other year 7s, but more so calling them outcasts, or misfits. Ian was naturally asked to rejoin the TreeHousers and strangely, he declined, wanting to stay with the team who had got him through the mink smuggler operation, or was it because of a small freckled detective?

Even though the term had just started, due to preparations for the anniversary (forgot how to spell the actual event), the student body had been given permission to leave the school grounds, but in year groups, with a minimum of 5 chaperones. The year 7s were taken to a coastside city about an 2 hours from HighCrest, they were going to spend the day at the beach.

All the year 7s were excited because it was summer and they’d be missing a whole day of school, the exact thing they needed after the whole camp shock. They were asked to divide themselves into groups and to pick a chaperone. Since the Houseboaters were the one to technically win the colour war and stopped the smugglers, they would go first. They were to also designate a leader to make sure they corresponded with the chaperone. Everyone thought they would pick Ian because he was a natural leader, but 6/7 of them, including Ian voted for Friday, because they knew there was no chance in hell that they would have survived without her. Also since they were the smallest group, Harrison also joined to the dismay of ian.

Friday was left with the choice of chaperone and she chose…Fontana?

The Houseboaters were surprised by this choice, they would’ve guessed Mrs Cannon or Mr Davies, but they weren’t upset, unless you were Melanie. 

‘Why him? He might make us do star jumps! Have you forgotten what he did? The BURPEES’

‘No I haven’t but we are going to the coastside, which means we’ll be near the water. Volunteer firefighters are more than likely to also be certified lifeguards, am I correct with that assumption’

Fontana simply nodded, still unable to comprehend just how dead accurate her assumptions could be.

‘So you chose the person who would be able to save us if inevitably one of us were to almost drown’. Wai-yi piped in.


‘Aww, Friday aren’t you the sweetest’, Susan chimed in engulfing the poor girl in a hug.

After the emotional rejection by her parents the hug was going to tip her overboard. Friday calmly detangled herself from Susan, creating some distance between herself and the others.

‘Right, we will leave tomorrow at 5:30 am, so be on the buses by 5:15’, Mr Maclean raised his voice, giving off a satisfied smile when everyone groaned, including the other chaperones Mrs Cannon, Mr Davies, Mr Fonatana and to Parker’s relief, Mr Spencer . 

Who wants to wake up before the sun anyways. Certainly not Melanie, who looked like she was plotting his murder.

Timeskip to 5:14 am ~

All the children had made their way towards the bus, and the last to arrive was Maclean himself. Now it wasn’t only Melanie who was plotting his murder, the entire student body and the chaperone’s themselves.

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