Chapter 8

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Friday finally arrived, and today the students were submitting their projects with their assigned partners.

Ryujin asked her mom if she could borrow the car because she couldn't carry the project while walking. Thankfully, her mother agreed.

Upon arriving at school, Ryujin received a text from Yeji asking if she had arrived. Ryujin replied that she was in the parking lot.

A few minutes later, Yeji knocked on Ryujin's car window. Ryujin got out and opened the trunk.

"Do you have your letter?" Yeji asked.

Ryujin nodded. "Yup, it's in my bag."

"Good, let's go before we're late-" Yeji started to say but stopped, holding onto the car door, feeling dizzy.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ryujin asked, concerned.

Yeji quickly nodded and composed herself. "It's just a light headache. I didn't eat breakfast."

"I'll carry these myself. You should go to class and rest. I'll get you something to eat at the cafeteria," Ryujin said, but Yeji shook her head.

"No need, thank you. I'm fine," Yeji insisted.

"Don't be stubborn, Yeji," Ryujin protested, but Yeji didn't listen.

Ryujin sighed and said, "Walk with me then, and if you feel dizzy again, tell me immediately."

"Yes, yes, I will," Yeji replied, smiling.

When they reached the classroom, the students were asked to sit with their partners. Ryujin put their project on the table and told Yeji she would go to the cafeteria.

She bought two donuts for each of them and two cups of coffee. Although she had already eaten breakfast, she wanted to join Yeji so she wouldn't feel shy.

Ryujin handed Yeji the food, and Yeji thanked her immediately. They ate in silence, with ten minutes remaining before their teacher arrived.

A few minutes later, the teacher entered the classroom, and the students stood to greet him.

"Good morning, class. I see everyone brought their projects as I asked. Good job," he began, smiling at his students.

"I hope there were no issues with your assigned partners while working on your projects. You can now line up and submit your work, with the letter, of course."

The students stood up and lined up to pass their projects to the teacher.

As Ryujin and Yeji reached the front of the line, they handed their project and their letters to the teacher.

"Thank you, Ryujin and Yeji," the teacher said, glancing at the neatly compiled project and the letters. "I'm looking forward to seeing your work."

They returned to their seats, and the teacher continued collecting projects and letters from the other students. Ryujin noticed Yeji still looked a bit pale and kept an eye on her.

After all the projects and letters were collected, the teacher addressed the class. "Now that everyone has submitted their work and letters, we'll take some time for presentations. I'd like each pair to briefly explain their project."

Ryujin and Yeji exchanged glances. Yeji took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

"We'll be fine," Ryujin whispered encouragingly. "We've practiced this."

As their turn approached, Ryujin gently nudged Yeji. "Ready?"

Yeji nodded, giving a small smile. "Ready."

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