Chapter 9

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Ryujin's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as she reread the letter, struggling to grasp its meaning. What did Yeji mean by "if it had only been different"? What had Yeji endured during their relationship?

Her questions would only be answered if she confronted Yeji and if they both found the courage to finally talk about everything, instead of avoiding the topic as they always did.

Ryujin stepped out of the car and ran back to the cafeteria, clutching the letter in her hand, determined to find Yeji.

Seeing Yeji still seated at their table, Ryujin walked up to her, fighting back tears.

Yeji looked up and smiled, setting down her own letter. "Hey Ryu, thanks for all the—" But she was cut off.

"Let's talk. Follow me. Now."

The two walked down the hallway, tension radiating between them. Yeji was confused, sensing Ryujin's anger.

They reached the back of the school, a quiet garden rarely visited by students.

Ryujin pulled out the letter and showed it to Yeji. "What happened to you? Please, answer me truthfully, Yeji."

Yeji was stunned, staring at the letter she had written, unable to speak.

"Yeji! Answer me, please!" Ryujin pleaded, gripping Yeji's shoulders and looking into her eyes.

Yeji bowed her head in shame. "I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry!" Ryujin shook Yeji's shoulders. "Look at me, Yeji."

Yeji lifted her head, took a deep breath, and began. "Ryujin, I was dealing with so many insecurities and my mental state was a mess..."

She paused, then continued. "And then, I was diagnosed with a hole in my heart." Ryujin felt as if she had been struck, her tears falling unnoticed.

"You've always been there for me, always comforting me, but I can't keep leaning on you. I don't want you to worry about me all the time and neglect your own needs. I can't reciprocate the way you deserve because I'm struggling too much myself." Yeji's voice broke as her own tears began to fall.

Ryujin, unable to contain herself, hugged Yeji tightly. "Why didn't you tell me the truth?" she whispered, as Yeji cried on her shoulder.

"Because I wanted your world to forget me before I disappear from mine," Yeji explained, prompting Ryujin to hold her even tighter, terrified of losing her.

"No, Yeji. Don't say that, I'm here now okay? You don't have to worry about me. You won't be alone again. Just stay with me," Ryujin sobbed uncontrollably.

“Ryu…jin…” Yeji’s voice was weak and breathless, immediately setting off alarms in Ryujin’s mind.

“Yeji? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Ryujin’s heart pounded in her chest.

“I… can’t… breathe…” Yeji’s voice was filled with panic while Ryujin’s blood ran cold.

Yeji's body gave up and fainted, before she could hit the floor, Ryujin managed to catch her on her arms and immediately carried her, she ran toward her car with Yeji in her arms to bring her directly to the hospital.

“Yeji, stay with me. Please,” she begged, tears streaming down her face as she quickly put the older girl on the passenger seat and rush to the other side to start the car.

She speed their way to the hospital but it still felt like an eternity for Ryujin, she keeps on glancing at the passed out girl beside her.

When they finally reached the hospital, she shouted for help and the medical team sprang into action, taking Yeji into the emergency room.

A nurse gently guided Ryujin to a waiting area, assuring her they would do everything they could.

Ryujin paced the floor, her mind racing with worry and guilt. She should have been there for Yeji sooner, she should have noticed the signs before everything went wrong.

She immediately dialed her mother's phone number, explaining what happened while stuttering and crying.

Ryujin's mom told her that she would rush to hospital after she calls Yeji's father to tell him what happened to her daughter.

Every minute felt like an hour until finally, a doctor approached her.“Ryujin?” he asked, glancing at his chart.

“I’m Dr. Kim. Yeji is stable for now, but she’s been through a lot. We need to run some tests to understand the extent of her condition.” Ryujin nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Can I see her?”

“Not yet. We need to make sure she’s stable and comfortable first. I promise we’ll update you as soon as we can,” Dr. Kim said gently before heading back into the ER.

Ryujin sank into a chair, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. She replayed the events in her mind, the sound of Yeji’s breathless voice, the sight of her fainting.

She couldn’t bear the thought of losing her forever.


Ryujin's mother So-hee entered looking for her daughter, when she finally saw her Ryujin immediately hugged her mother.

"How is she?" She asks after their hug.

"She's.. stable now, I already talked with her doctor." Ryujin explained sniffing.

So-hee told her to sit down so they could talk properly while they wait for Yeji's father, he told her that he's already also on his way to the hospital.

"Ryujin.." Her mother said "Tell me what happened dear."

Ryujin doesn't have the strength to tell her mother everything after what she knew about her beloved.

"I don't want to lose her mom." She said staring blankly at the floor, with her eyes swollen.

Seeing her daughter like that hurt her so much, considering she witnessed how her daughter genuinely loved Yeji.

She didn't know what to say and just hugged Ryujin, wishing Yeji for what's best for her.

After half an hour, Mr. Hwang ran up to them, Ryujin stood up to greet him but instead, he kneeled in front of her and said,

"Please stay with my daughter, I don't know how long she has to live.. but she wants to live her best days with you, Ryujin please. For her.." He said crying like a mess.

Ryujin was stunned by what he said to her, she doesn't know what to say and remains like that.

"She needs to undergo surgery, but the chances of her surviving are low.."


An: Alright, now I also feel kinda bad, but.. it is what it is:/

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