Chapter 11

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It was almost night when Dr. Kim came back to discharge Yeji. Her surgery was scheduled for next month.

"She needs to rest. We can't allow her to tire herself, so she needs to stop going to school until she undergoes her surgery and heals afterward," Dr. Kim explained while Ryujin held Yeji's hand tightly.

After Mr. Hwang discussed everything with Dr. Kim, Yeji was finally discharged. I asked my mom if I could spend the night at Yeji's since it's Friday anyway, and Mr. Hwang needed to get back to work.

"Good thing I brought some extra clothes for you. Here, honey," So-hee said as she handed her daughter a small bag with Ryujin's clothes in it.

She then left the room to help Mr. Hwang with Yeji's belongings, while Ryujin helped Yeji walk to their car.

Ryujin supported Yeji by holding her in case she might lose her balance. She was still shocked by everything that happened today but tried to be courageous for her Yeji.

"You really don't have to take care of me," Yeji suddenly said.

Ryujin stopped walking, causing Yeji to do the same. She smiled at her. "I'm willing to take care of you because I love you, Yeji."

Yeji couldn't help but smile at Ryujin's remark. "Thank you. It's not enough after what I put you through, but I'm really thankful," she replied.

"Just you existing in my life is already enough. Stop feeling bad about the past. It's not good for you to keep stressing about it."

Yeji nodded, and they continued to walk until they reached the car. Ryujin waved goodbye to her mother and then helped Yeji settle in the back seat with her.

Mr. Hwang started the car and drove to their house while Yeji rested on Ryujin's shoulder, savoring the moment of being close to her.

When they arrived home, Mr. Hwang parked the car and came around to help Ryujin with Yeji. Together, they carefully assisted Yeji out of the car and made their way to the house. Mr. Hwang opened the door, and they stepped inside.

"I'll prepare dinner before I head back to work," Mr. Hwang said. "Ryujin, can you help Yeji up to her room?"

"Of course," Ryujin replied, supporting Yeji as they slowly climbed the stairs.

Once they reached Yeji's room, Ryujin helped her settle onto her bed. "Do you need anything?" Ryujin asked.

"Just some water, please," Yeji said, trying to give a reassuring smile.

Ryujin fetched the glass of water from the kitchen and brought it back to Yeji. As Yeji took a grateful sip, Ryujin noticed Mr. Hwang is standing in the doorway, watching them with a thoughtful expression.

"Yeji, rest here for a moment," Ryujin said gently. "I'll be right back."

Yeji nodded, and Ryujin stepped out of the room to speak with Mr. Hwang. He led her downstairs to the living room, where they could talk without disturbing Yeji.

"Ryujin," Mr. Hwang began, his voice filled with gratitude, "I want to thank you for taking care of Yeji. I know things haven't been easy between you two, but your support means a lot to her and to me."

Ryujin looked down for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Mr. Hwang, I... I need to be honest with you. I never stopped loving Yeji. Even though we're not together anymore, my feelings for her haven't changed. Seeing her go through this has only made me realize how much I want to be by her side, not just as a friend, but as someone who loves her deeply."

Mr. Hwang's expression softened. "Ryujin, your care for Yeji is evident. If you truly love her and want to support her, that's something only you and Yeji can decide together. She needs all the love and support she can get right now."

Ryujin nodded, feeling a mixture of hope and determination. "Thank you, Mr. Hwang. I want to talk to Yeji about it, but I'll wait until she's feeling stronger. Right now, I just want to be here for her."

Mr. Hwang placed a reassuring hand on Ryujin's shoulder. "I appreciate your honesty and your love for my daughter. Take your time, and let her know how you feel when the moment is right."

Ryujin smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "I will. Thank you for understanding."

With that, they returned to Yeji's room, where Ryujin helped her settle down comfortably. Mr. Hwang gave Yeji a warm smile and then left the room to prepare dinner.


A short while later, Mr. Hwang called up to them. "Dinner is ready!"

Ryujin helped Yeji back down the stairs, taking it slow to ensure she didn't lose her balance. They made their way to the dining table, where Mr. Hwang had set out a comforting meal of rice, soup, and side dishes.

"Eat up, both of you," Mr. Hwang said with a warm smile. "You need to keep your strength up, Yeji."

"Thank you, Dad," Yeji replied, her voice full of appreciation.

They ate together, the atmosphere a mix of quiet determination and familial love. After dinner, Mr. Hwang quickly cleaned up and then prepared to leave for work.

"I'll be back in the morning," he said. "Ryujin, thank you again for staying."

"Don't worry, Mr. Hwang. I'll take good care of her," Ryujin assured him.

With a final hug for Yeji and a grateful nod to Ryujin, Mr. Hwang left for work. Ryujin helped Yeji back up to her room, making sure she was comfortable before settling down herself.

As they lay in the dim light of Yeji's room, Ryujin reached over and held her hand. "Hey, are you okay?" she whispered.

Yeji squeezed her hand in return "Yeah, I am don't worry, but thank you."

"Yeji?" Once again Ryujin said

While Yeji hummed in response to her sudden calling her name.

"Will you be willing to give our relationship another shot in the future?" Ryujin asks

Yeji was silent for a few seconds, "Of course, I promised I will remember?"

Ryujin smiled and went to Yeji's bed to lay beside her, which the other girl gladly accepted and hug her.

"Then promise me one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Be my girlfriend again after all of this" Ryujin said expecting a quick answer from the girl beside her

But instead, Yeji sat up making Ryujin do the same. "I'm sorry for bringing that up—" Ryujin tried to say but she was surprised by Yeji's sudden kiss.

Ryujin immediately reciprocated her kiss, it's been so long the last time they both tasted each other's lips, the feeling still felt the same for them.

"Is that supposed to be an answer?" Ryujin said after the kiss.

Yeji chuckled and nodded "Yeah, is it wrong?"

"Well no, but still.. you need to say you promise!" Ryujin whined making Yeji smile wider.

Ryujin pouted at her, but seeing her smiled like that also made her smile, she pulled Yeji in her chest making them both lay down in the bed.

She caresses her back while Yeji lays comfortably around Ryujin's arms.

And with that, they both drifted off to sleep, finding solace in each other's presence.


An: How is this current chapter so far? Took me while enough to make that kind of scene, still trying to learn lol. Well I'm almost 500 reads in this book, it feels like I just started writing, maybe I will also update my other book if I get motivated or something.

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