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"'Seph!" I smiled as the Spring Goddess hurried my way. "Spring already?"

"Sadly," The goddess huffed before plopping down next to me. "Have you made up your mind?"

"Mm, I'll go with you."

The goddess beamed. "You're going to love Earth. The humans can be very entertaining."

"I'll be the judge of that," I sighed, lifting my goblet to my lips. "Last I heard, there was a woman pretending to be a god in a village. Wanna check that out?"

Persephone raised an eyebrow and smirked. "How does a Forest Goddess such as yourself manage to find so many mysteries for us to explore?"

"Hey! My last Great Mystery got you your husband," I huffed. "You owe me!"

"Aka, I have to join you until you find a wife?"


Persephone rolled her eyes before smiling. "Okay, okay, deal."

"Yes!" I cheered and stood up.

"Just don't expect me to spend the entire time searching for the answers to your mysteries. I will find something fun for us to do."

"Whatever," I brushed off her words and skipped to my castle. "Let me change clothes!"

After getting changed, I returned to Persephone and took her hand, taking her to Earth with a smile. 'Romania,' I took a deep breath, shutting my eyes as the wind whipped around me. 'The village shouldn't be too far from here.' Persephone squeezed my hand before we began walking, letting her tell me stories about her recent time in the Underworld.

'I'm so glad that Persephone's treated well,' I smiled as she told me about the date Hades took her on before she had to return to Olympus. 'From the stories she tells me, it seems that Hades truly is in love with Persephone. Some bumps along the way, but he genuinely loves her.' When we reached the village, Persephone made me stop walking before she pointed to a castle.

"Do you think this False God lives there?"

"Only one way to find out," I muttered with a shrug.

"I hate it when you say that," Persephone whined as I pulled her along. "I am a Mother, you know? I have children to return to."

"They're all grown up," I brushed her off as we walked deeper into the village. "We'll just ask around about the castle."

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Excuse us," I smiled at a group of people. "We're new to town, and we were wondering who lives in that castle."

"Oh! That would be the Dimitrecu family," A woman smiled. "Known for their wine, but their daughter...Well, she's pursuing a different career."

'Oh?' I tilted my head. "What career might that be?"

"A music career," A man scoffed. "...Such a waste."

"How is that a waste?" Persephone scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I meant her looks are a waste on someone like her," The man spat, making me glare at him. "That is if the rumors are true."

"What rumors?"

"That Alcina's into women. It's unheard of!"

I locked eyes with Persephone before we both sighed and walked away from the man. 'Some humans never change. When will they learn?! The gods of love don't care! Hell, most of them have had multiple same-sex relationships! I had a thing with 'Dite!'

"You did!?"

"...You weren't supposed to hear that," I grumbled at Persephone's shocked face. "It was before I became a god! When I was still a dryad!"

"That somehow makes it even more interesting," Persephone laughed. "Shall we investigate this castle tonight?"

"Might as well," I sighed, letting my eyes trail over the gate, taking in the security around the castle. "We'll have to use our powers, but we can get in unseen."


"Okay, ready?"

"Ready," Persephone breathed as vines wrapped around the closest guard — making sure to silence him and knock his weapon away. "One down."

"Two to go," I hissed, my gaze fixated on the roof guard. "You handle the other one on the ground."

"Make it quick."


I transformed into a crow and flew toward the roof. As I got closer, the sniper swatted and ducked, causing me to fly around and search for a better angle. When I realigned, I dove for the man and transformed back, placing my hands over his mouth before slamming his head into the roof. Persephone rose to the roof on vines, bringing the other two unconscious men up as well.

After hiding the men, we managed to find a way into the castle. 'We just need information about this False God,' My eyes scanned every room we checked and every hall we walked down. 'And then maybe we can enjoy our time here after that. I just want to know who this False God is. And how they got these powers.'

"Nothing," I huffed when we stopped in an empty room. "We've searched most of the rooms!"

"...Maybe we take a break and do something else tonight?" Persephone hummed, making me look at her over my shoulder.

"... 'Seph, you're married."

"Not like that!" The goddess huffed before showing me a flyer. "Looks like there's a concert soon. Let's go! Pick up our investigation tomorrow?"


A pout made its way to Persephone's face, her green eyes tearing up. "You never let yourself enjoy humans and their music; now's your chance! Just one night, please? See if you actually don't like it instead of lying to everyone."

'...Damn her,' I sighed and held my hands up in defeat. "Okay. Let's get out of here first."

"I can't believe I let you convince me to come to this when there's a mystery to be solved," I grumbled to Persephone as she pulled me through the crowd of humans.

"Live a little," The goddess laughed. "Maybe you'll meet your wife by agreeing to this!"

'I highly doubt it,' I grumbled, letting the goddess pull me until we had a clear view of the stage.

My breath caught in my throat while the performers walked onto the stage, keeping my eyes glued to the woman the spotlight lit up. 'Well, who do we have here?'

The woman locked eyes with me before the performance began, sending a smile my way as she began singing — entrancing me with her voice. '...I've found her...'

"Earth to [Y/N]?!" Persephone huffed, waving her hand in front of my face. "You okay?"


Talking To The Moon Book 1Where stories live. Discover now