"Stay?" Alcina asked between kisses. "Hold me all night?"
"It would be my honor."
"Good Morning," Alcina smiled when my eyes fluttered open. "I thought gods didn't need to sleep?"
"I wanted to sleep next to you," I whispered with a smile. "Today's their funeral, right? Your parents?"
"Mhm. I want you there with me. Show my parents that they could never keep us apart for good."
"Anything for you," I promised Alcina, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Shouldn't we get ready?"
"Yeah," Alcina sighed. "At least we can bathe together without worrying about anyone questioning us soon. Any servants who disapprove of our..."
'That's right...we never...' I cleared my throat and brought my lips to hers. "I've thought about this every day since we had to part...We both know what this is."
"Do we?" Alcina smirked, connecting our lips with a hum. "I don't remember ever being asked anything."
'I knew it,' I smiled into the kiss, chuckling when the human pulled away. "Alcina Dimitrescu?"
"...Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Absolutely," Alcina smiled and pulled me in for another kiss. 'I've waited so long for her to ask me that.'
'I know, and I'm sorry I made you wait that long,' I laughed when Alcina gasped and pulled away. "Oh? You heard that, did you?"
"Let's just say I let you hear that. Your thought about how you've waited so long for me to ask that? I heard it. I wanted to let you know that I was sorry for making you wait to hear that."
"I'm just glad I was able to hear it and give an answer."
"I'm glad the answer was 'yes'."
"Was there any doubt?!"
"A little."
"...You're literally a goddess," Alcina deadpanned. "And you care about me. Why would I ever say 'no'?"
I shrugged. "Didn't like the sex?"
"...You're an idiot," The human sighed. "I'll prove tonight that I love the sex we have."
"Tonight? I mean, I know they weren't the best parents, but don't you want to mourn before doing something like that?"
'I gotta admit, it's kinda hot that she doesn't care, but that just shows how horrible Alcina's parents were,' I nodded and sat up. "In that case, let's get ready for the funeral. Might as well get the depression out of the way."
"...That's it? Not going to argue with me?"
"No, I get it," I smiled when Alcina sat up and raised an eyebrow at me. "They forced you to hide who you really are your entire life — and right when you found happiness, your parents ripped it away from you. I'd give the same answer in your shoes, so I have no right to try and argue about it. Besides...I've missed having sex with you, too."
Alcina laughed and threw her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek with a smile. "That makes me happy. So, now that we're dating...does that mean you'll make love to me tonight?"
"How could I ever turn you down?" I mused, pulling her into my lap. "I'll gladly make love to you tonight."
"Now I want to get this funeral out of the way even more."
"Then let's get ready for it," I hummed and pecked Alcina's lips. "But we don't tell anyone that we got together on the day of your parent's funeral."
Alcina tossed her head back and laughed. "Okay, whatever."
'Perfection,' I smiled at the laughing human. 'And all mine now.'
'That was exhausting,' I sighed when we returned from the funeral. 'And that Miranda woman seems to have grown more powerful and respected. What happened while we were away? How did she get so much done?' Alcina excused herself and Miranda when we entered the castle, promising to meet up with me later.
'I don't trust Miranda, but I have to trust Alcina. Whatever the case, my worries aren't going to ruin tonight. While they're discussing something, I'll make dinner for us.' I made my way to the kitchen with a frown, thinking of meals to make. 'Alcina preferred whenever I'd make her meals while we were together, so making our dinner before making love to her, it'll make her happy.'
'Yo,' Apollo's voice reached me, ending my train of thought. 'Something's happening in the Underworld. I'll keep you updated, but it's not looking good.'
'Yeah, something about Tartarus becoming unstable. When I have more information, I'll let you know. How are things with your girlfriend?'
I chuckled and began grabbing random ingredients. 'Well, Alcina is my girlfriend now.'
'Wait, seriously?!'
'I asked her when we woke up. I'm getting ready to make dinner.'
'Well, congratulations,' Apollo laughed. 'I guess this means that we lost the bet?'
'Well, partially. Alcina wants to celebrate tonight.'
'...Did she suggest it?'
'Yes! Do you think I'd lie to a god of truth?!'
'In that case, you still win the bet. You didn't suggest it, so technically you win.'
'You all owe me a lot of drachma.'
Apollo's laugh echoed in my mind. 'I'll let the others know as well. You'll get your money. Now, enjoy your date. Hopefully, Hades can sort this situation out before it gets out of hand.'
I sighed and returned to making dinner, forcing the worries about the Underworld out of my mind. 'When I'm with Alcina, I can't worry about godly things. To be fair, when she's around, I can't think of anything but her and her happiness.' As I started dinner, my mind began to focus on Alcina, drifting into a memory.
"[Y/N]," Alcina whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning over my back. "Come practice with me?"
"The piano. I want to practice a song and need someone to turn the pages for me."
I laughed and leaned into her hold. "In that case, of course. I was waiting for you to finish up in there anyway."
Alcina sighed and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, that was annoying."
'And that 'practice' led to sex,' My eyes drifted to Alcina when she entered the kitchen after I plated our food. "Just in time."
"Smells delicious," Alcina smiled as she made her way over to me. "What is it?"
"Mediterranean pasta salad," I smiled. "I know you like it when I make Mediterranean food for you."
"I like everything you make me."
"I started making cupcakes, too. We're going to enjoy the rest of the night like any couple should."

Talking To The Moon Book 1
FanfictionMen DNI. Do NOT add to f^ta/g!p lists. You WILL be blocked! Fem!GreekGoddess!Reader x Human!Alcina Dimitrescu Book 1 "I can't believe I let you convince me to come to this when there's a mystery to be solved," I grumbled to Persephone as she pulled...