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Sugawara woke up to the smell of pancakes.

It was then he truly felt at home. He thought he was spoiled, really. How could he ever be happy in that hospital after having moments like these?

He looked around the living room from where he layed on the couch, it smelled like her. Everything smelled like her, now that he had the blanket back, and took it everywhere. He looked around her house with such adornment he knew that once he left he'd be back to that empty feeling that haunted him. The same feeling he always got when he had to leave the beach house after a vacation.

Sugawara slowly got up from the couch, walking towards the kitchen and the noise that could be heard from it. The girl was washing dishes but when she heard Sugawara she turned around.

"Good morning, Suga." She grinned. "There's food on the table, if you want it."

The boy was seated at the table in the kitchen, watching the girl carry on with whatever occupied her. Bright rays of sunlight covered the kitchen, coming in through the window. He could smell the fresh food and the faint scent of pretty flowers in the vase in front of him.

The girl eventually sat down across from him when everything was cleaned up. She ran her eyes over him while they made small talk, not having much to talk about. She thought he looked nice in the morning, with the way the light made him glow and the way his hair was messily layed on his head. They continued eating in silence.

For the first time in a while, Sugawara finished a meal.

The girl stood up, collecting both their dishes and setting them in the sink. The sound of running water played over her words. "I think we should go back to the hospital now." She spoke to the dirty dishes in her hands, as if her words wouldn't affect him if they weren't directed at him. She shut off the stream, running a hand over her face as she looked back at him, leaning against the sink.

He only nodded. He was used to leaving places that felt like home.

The two shared a lingering gaze, birds chirping in the background as they both stood, enveloped in the others presence.

Under different circumstances. Maybe he could sit at her kitchen table and eat breakfast with her and talk while life itself joined in through the window. Maybe it could happen and it wouldn't be just a sick boy and his friend.

Maybe they wouldn't be just-

She blinked, snapping back into reality. Pushing herself off the counter, she got up and went to put her shoes on. The boy followed behind her.

There was a slight breeze outside, it didn't help the already chilly weather. Despite the sun burning bright in the sky, the rays of light that graced her skin didn't seem to warm her at all. It was the perfect picture of a beautiful day, until you were there to feel it, and not just see.

"Did you have fun?" She asked, stealing both their attention from thoughts they seemed to drown in. "I know we didn't really do much, but..."

"It was amazing. Everything was. Especially the pancakes." He laughed slightly, causing the girls eyes to drift over to him as they walked.

"I'm glad. Did you sleep good?" She asked. She wondered if he knew he had fallen asleep on her shoulder.

Whatever the answer was, he didn't show it. "Yeah, it might have actually been the best sleep I've gotten this month."

The girl nodded, smiling slightly to herself. She had slept okay. Not bad, but she found it hard to relax with sugawara so close to her. It seemed forever until her breathing evened, after how fast her heart was beating.

When the two got to the hospital the girl walked him to his room, watching as his hand clenched over what she assumed was something in his palm. Her attention flicked to it, but she didn't say anything.

"Bye, Suga."

"Wait." He said suddenly, taking her hand and splaying it face up. He dropped a piece of paper in it before closing her palm and sandwiching it between both his hands. Tingles ran down her arm at his warmth.

Sugawara tilted his head and grinned.

"Bye." He whispered, a slight tinge of nervousness was shone under his gaze.

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