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She found her name typed on the glowing phone screen, held carefully between her hands and lighting up the dark room. The pixels seemed different, when she knew who was behind them.

Yeah, it's me.
Why are you up so late? 4:46 am

Three dots appeared in the bottom corner of her screen in no time, a response following shortly after.

I was waiting for you to text me.
You keep me waiting a lot, I've noticed. 4:46 am

She blinked at her phone, lips pressing into a firm line. He didn't seem bothered by it, though it was hard to read someone's tone when words were typed out, instead of displayed on a human face. She guessed he meant it playfully. Maybe he was used to waiting.

Sorry. 4:47 am

She didn't have much to say to that. Sighing, the girl ran a hand down her face. Her eyes would attempt to close every now and then, eyelids heavy. She was tired. But she would feel bad if he had stayed up so long to talk to her, and the only conversation he got were apologizes.

It's fine. I meant it as a joke.
I am very patient. 4:47 am

You are. 4:48 am

The girl faltered before typing again quickly.

Can I ask you a question? 4:49 am

Ask me anything. 4:49 am

She took a deep breath before responding, hoping it wasn't a rude thing to ask or one that would make him uncomfortable.

Why don't you eat any of the food your visitors bring? 4:50 am

It took him a bit to respond. She wondered if he didn't want to. Or maybe he just didn't like the answer.

I just never feel hungry anymore. When I force myself to eat I end up getting sick. 4:52 am

The girl felt her stomach drop. Some things were hard to ignore, whether you were good at pretending or not. She wondered if hanging out with him would be easier if she didn't know what was happening to his body.

She knew he didn't wait so long to talk about his sickness, or to get pity from the girl. So she ignored his text and changed the topic. Though, with how tired the girl was, she couldn't think of any good things to say.

If you could have any pet, what would it be? 4:54 am

She almost laughed at how random that sounded, reading it back. But she was curious to see his answer.

What are you doing? Icebreakers?? I already know you. 4:54 am

Again, he most likely meant it playfully, but the girls smile faded slightly.

Oh yeah? What's my favorite color then, Sugawara? 4:55 am

Not fair! You never told us :c 4:55 am

He was right, she had never mentioned her favorite color, because she was never even sure she had one. None of them stood out to her more then the rest. She closed her eyes briefly, allowing rest to consume her for a short while. But instead of the dark behind her eyelids, all she saw was one vivid image. Sitting up, her fingers moved over the letters, not a single thought in her mind.

It's green. 4:58 am

She stared at her text.

Sugawara didn't respond quicky enough to catch her before she shut her phone off, placing it on her nightstand. She wrapped the blanket around her, a singular phrase repeating over and over in her head.

She said it again, but not in an unsure or hesitant tone. She said it like it was definite, and she had accepted that.

The girl sighed, thoughts running through her mind.

I can't even have a favorite color without being reminded of you.

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