Silence of absence

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In the silence of absence, I hear your name
A whispered echo, a haunting refrain
A reminder of what's lost, a heart in pain
A longing to turn back time, to love again

The emptiness resounds, a hollowed-out space
A vacuum of warmth, a love that's been erased
The silence is deafening, a scream in my head
A desperate cry for what's gone, for what's been said

In this quiet, I search for a ghost
A fleeting shadow, a love that's been lost
I reach for a hand, a gentle touch
But find only air, a lonely clutch

The silence of absence, a heavy chain
A weight that's crushing, a heart in vain
A longing to break free, to love once more
But the silence remains, a constant score

In this stillness, I'll hold on to the past
A bittersweet memory, a love that will forever last
For in the silence of absence, I find a truth
A love that was real, a heart that was youth.

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