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i grabbed my food and walked back over to the staircase.

my thoughts did cartwheels in my head as i neared his room and opened the door.

i walked in to find jack fast asleep, so i soundlessly put his food on the nightstand.

i wasn't hungry nor thirsty even thought i ordered double, i was too concerned about what sam had said to me earlier.

it made me feel like such a complete idiot.

i was so much of a bitch to think that my life was bad.

i've treated him like shit too, i really need to go see him.

i know his parents are always away on business trips, so is he just all alone with a sick brother to take care of?

thats horrible.

what kind of parent does that?

i was snapped out of my thoughts by jacks voice calling my name

"arielle?" he said weakly

i turned my head and made a little 'o' shape with my mouth.

"oh you're up" i said getting up and walking to his bedside.

he nodded his head before speaking again.

"um, are these two mine or?" he gestured to the two grilled cheeses sitting on the plate.

"uh yeah." i lied before playing a forced smile on my lips.

i don't know what was wrong with me.

god, im such a freak.

as jack grabbed the plate i spoke up

"hey jack, is it ok if i go explore the hospital a bit? i need to stretch my legs."

his face sunk down as his eyes softened.

"i don't want you to leave me." he said quietly.

"i promise i won't leave the hospital. ill be in it, just not in this room. page a nurse if you want or need me and tell her to call me down." i said.


"promise." i whispered before giving him a slight smile as i opened the door and left.


i roamed the halls of the hospital curiously, admiring the colorful artwork displayed on the not so colorful walls.

i was so caught up in the artwork that i didn't pay attention to the presence that drew closer and closer to me.

before i knew it i was sitting on the ground with a throbbing head as a crack echoed through my ears.

"oh shit arielle im sorry are you okay?!"

i looked up to see sam looking down at my with a worried expression.

i nodded my head slowly as i replied with a "yeah"

he helped me stand up and dust off the dirt on the back of my legs.

"what was that loud crack?" i asked wincing, still in pain from hitting my head with his.

he looked around before his eyes widened.

"oh! it was my phone." he said slowly as he picked it up, revealing a shattered screen.

"oh, damn, sam ill pay for it  i wasn't paying attention to where i was going im sorry." i rushed.

"no, no, arielle its fine. i wasnt paying attention either so its not your fault."

we stood in awkward silence before i spoke up.

"sam, i'm really sorry. i'm sorry for being so horrible to you lately, i'm sorry about your brother just,  I'm just sorry for everything." i mumbled looking up at him.

"its not your fault my brother got sick.." he started.

"no its not but i could've been nicer to you. i had no idea your brother was so sick. i really was just being a straight up bitch." i said frowning.

he processed my words before looking at me with a hard stare.

"so the only reason you're apologizing for your actions is just because i have a sick brother? not because you feel bad about treating me a certain way but just because my baby brother is sick? wow, very sincere." he snapped.

my eyes widened as the words id planned on saying died on my lips.

"nononono sam thats not what i meant.."

"no, thats exactly what you meant arielle. don't lie to me." he growled stabbing my chest with his finger.

i was at a loss for words, my brain has powered down and my body was stiff as stone.

"you are the most conceited, narcissistic, cold-hearted, bitch i have ever met in my whole entire life." he spat before walking away with his destroyed phone wedged in between his hand.

i really fucked up this time


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