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I woke up the next morning to the overly obnoxious chirping of some birds perched on my window sill.

"Does nature ever shut the fuck up!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at my closed window, causing the birds to flutter away.

I rubbed my face as my hand blindly searched for my phone.

After finding it, I hit the home screen button and read that the time was 10:37.

I yawned as I stretched my arms out, hitting my headboard.

Since it was Saturday I decided that I would go visit Sam since he only lives a couple houses down.

Although what happened last night creeped me the fuck out, I really need to talk to him.

I swung my feet over the edge of my bed, and plopped down onto the carpet.

Walking over to my closet, I tripped over the tripod light that was peeking out from under my bed.

"Stupid fucking light thingy." I mumbled as I got up, kicking the light back under the bed.

I picked out a pair of leggings, my PINK windbreaker, with some nike socks and slides since I wasn't going anywhere special today.

On my way out the door, I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair up into a sloppy pony tail.

As I neared the kitchen table, I noticed a piece of paper lying on top.

'Had to leave early today. Sorry. Love you. -Mom'

I sighed as I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash can.

"Kooooobbbbbeeeee." I cheered quietly.

After making some coffee and skipping breakfast, I grabbed my car keys and phone from off the table, and headed out my front door.

I made my way to my Black Mercedes-Benz SUV.

After my dad left and my mom started to slack, I decided to take my life into my own hands and work.

I spent night after night working on a disgusting cow-shit filled farm from 4 in the afternoon to 4 in the morning, but it was worth it, cause now I got my own car, and practically my own house.

My mom is almost never home anymore, I pay the bills and clean the house like its my own.

Although the lease is still under my mothers name, she only stays here when her little sugar daddy isn't home.

I pulled into Sam's driveway to see that there was only one car parked, which was that goddamn pick up truck.

I blew air out my mouth as I locked my car doors, and began to walk up to his front door.

As I pushed the doorbell, I tucked some loose strands of hair behind my ear.

The sound of the door opening startled me, as I was zoning on some plants nearby.

I quickly looked up to be met with the bloodshot eyes of Sam.

It was obvious he had been crying.

I furrowed my eyebrows.


Instead of replying, he pulled me into his strong arms, and let a sob out into my hair, since he was practically a foot taller than me.

Although this sudden action startled me, I cautiously embraced him back, afraid to make the wrong move.

"He's dead Arielle." He choked out, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"W-who Sam?" I asked pulling away from his strong grip.

It only took a moment of looking into his red, irritated eyes for the realization to hit me.

His baby brother.

My face sunk, as did my heart.

"Holy shit." I whispered.

"Oh my god Sam, I'm so sorry." I said pulling him into my arms this time, rubbing comforting circles on his back.

"C'mon lets get you back inside" I said as it started to pour outside.

I shut the door behind me, taking in his luxurious home.

It became clear that his parents must be extremely wealthy, by the look of all the marble and stone interior work.

Without a word, he took my hand and lead me upstairs, into what I'm guessing is his room.

It looked like a regular teenage boys room, despite what the rest of the house looked like.

He brought me over to his bed, as we both sat down.

I'm not good at comforting people.

I'll either say something stupid or too inappropriate for the subject.

Like a couple months ago, my little cousins pet dog died.

I made the joke that now they won't have to worry about their carpet smelling like shit.

We don't talk to that side of my family anymore.

"Um, do you want to talk about it?"

'That wasn't too straight forward right? Simple and easy does it?' I thought to myself.

"N-no. I just want to lay here with you." He croaked out.

"Okay." I said silently, sliding my jacket and shoes off.

He brought the covers over us and snuggled me close to him, his arms wrapped protectively around my body, my head resting across his chest.

He was acting extremely strange, considering his behavior over the last week, hell, even I was acting strange.

I didn't think we'd ever get this close, or that I'd even let him get this close.

But I allowed it, because I know he needs someone right now.

I just don't know if I'm that right someone.

AN; Its 4 am and I'm tired af but I have loads of homework to do :(. But I finally updated :)). I know I haven't updated Alphabet in a while and I'm super super sorry, I just need to put more thought into that book cause honestly I have no idea where I'm going with it yet. Goodnight to all of you who are actually going to get some sleep tonight, besides me, who will be falling asleep in Math today :).

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